why do you keep trying?

Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2024

Tales of a broken soul trying to heal. Part 2.

Image from Pinterest.

why do you keep trying?
there are voices in my head,
if i pay close attention, i think there are two major voices.
they oppose one another.

one says

‘why do you keep trying? where has all your effort ever gotten you? look where you are now. does it look like it gets better from here? it doesn’t so just give it all up. nothing is worth all this stress you put yourself through. rest.’

the other says

‘surely you know theres something ahead of you. reach for it. dont stop now, you cant stop now. keep going, you know youre going to get there.’

this may sound so cliché but its my present relity, i kid you not. theres war in my mind constantly and i just dont know if its going to end. will it end?

i think about this all-day, everyday,
i know im reaching my limit,
i know i cant continue to offer up fake smiles each time i have people around me.
i cant continue to give advice to people when i desperately need some of it myself.
i know im reaching my limit.
i can feel it.
my breaking point is near.
i know that very soon ill fall and i wont be able to pick myself up.

what does this mean for me?
am i weak?
it cant be, ive always found solace in the fact that im strong.
no matter whats happened ive always gotten back up.

this time though,
if im being honest with you, i dont see myself getting back up from this one.
i suppose the cup gets full at some point.
mine is.

Did you see part one of this? If you didn’t please click here and get a read.☺

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Read or Die!

tee~wawa || I love to read and write. Come on a journey with me.