Go to Read Smarter
Read Smarter
Win your attention back: Become aware of how today’s online information ecosystem is built, and learn to better navigate it.
Note from the editor

Win your attention back: Become aware of how today’s online information ecosystem is built, and learn to better navigate it.

Go to the profile of Ranjan Roy
Ranjan Roy
Cofounder @theedge_group— Intelligent Industry News
Go to the profile of Stephanie Seputra
Go to the profile of The Edge.Group
The Edge.Group
Newsletter Specialists. Content Strategists. Knowledge Enthusiasts. (www.theedge.group)
Go to the profile of Enzo De Gasperi
Go to the profile of Deepak Ravlani
Deepak Ravlani
Google+ Creator. Into Digital/Social Media Marketing, Community Management, Smart Home, Voice Tech, Voice/Mobile Apps, CRM, IOT. https://deepakravlani.home.blog
Go to the profile of Alex Wolf
Go to the profile of Richard Tang
Richard Tang
Macaulay Honors at Baruch College
Go to the profile of Project Rosie
Project Rosie
The makings of a hyperlocal news project. Words and deeds by Jennifer Deseo.
Go to the profile of Emiliano Lowe
Emiliano Lowe
I develop digital solutions for human-centered problems. Besides that, I like to drink coffee, do things outdoors, and challenge myself frequently.