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Read, Write, Participate
Read, Write, Participate
What Mozilla is thinking, building and doing about internet health.
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New Thimble Feature: Automatic Image Resizing!

We’ve just released a new Thimble feature: We now automatically resize images you upload to your project if they are larger than 250kb. We noticed a lot of people were including very large images in their projects, which can make editing…

How I #teachtheweb to rural kids

I am cross posting this story from one of my old blog posts written few years back during my involvement in Mozilla & Mozilla Learning initiative “Maker Party”. We also actively use this method at our CoderDojo Foundation ☯ CoderDojo Dublin classes too.

How Code Jams Can Make a Difference

A community spotlight on Link Clark

Code/Interactive (C/I) is a NYC-based non-profit that focuses on inspiring youth to learn, build, and collaborate with technology. In Austin, TX, C/I operates Coding4TX, a computer…

Grantee Glimpse: Art 120, Raspberry Python

This post was written by Kate Warren, Executive Director, Art 120 in Chattanooga, TN

Stop me if you heard this before…

Have you heard the one about a dancer that walks into a makerspace? I never thought I…