People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it

Abhishek Desai
ReadBoard Stories
2 min readAug 19, 2016


This is a second post, where I try to find out if I have good enough reasons to build ReadBoard. The first one is here.

So again, let me start with this awesome TED Talk, which taught me,

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”.

In the first post, I explained that I was tired of losing my conversations on web articles because they all were using different commenting systems (like Disqus, Facebook Comments, Livefyre, etc.). My conversations were scattered and hard to recall. These are public conversations with other web users.

Another kind of conversations I was losing were the private conversations on web articles with my colleagues over email. For e.g. I share a lot of interesting web links with our awesome design and development teams. I am sure many product managers, developers and designers do that.

Now in many cases, I need my team members to focus on specific passage of a web article and express their opinions. So I copy paste the passage in email along with a link and share with team members. This process is slightly cumbersome.

But more than that, it is very difficult to keep track of such conversations after a while. They get lost in emails with other noise. And again they become hard to recall.

So we decided to create a product, which has facility to initiate private conversations with group of people on any web article (or part of it) in a dead simple way.

Do you see yourself using ReadBoard for this particular feature?

Let me know :)

I am Abhishek Desai, co-founder of Digicorp and product manager of ReadBoard and BA Apps.

ReadBoard is the fastest way to start a conversation on any web article with your colleagues, friends and family.

