Ayahuasca Changed Everything

Years After Taking Ayahuasca

Alina Pitt
Readers Hope


Young Woman drinking Ayahuasca, created by author with hotpot.ai

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Life can be challenging, but for me, I had reached a point in my early 30s where nothing really made sense to me. Was this my life now?

After going to school/university until I was 25/26 and then joining the workforce, I felt so bored. This cannot be it, right?

After not finding any answers in the Western world, I started to look into more alternative ways. Because of a documentary on Netflix, I became aware of D*M*T for the first time. I had heard about mind-altering illegal drugs before, but DMT felt different. I felt drawn to this topic like a magnet and started to research more and more about it. Somebody suggested Ayahuasca to my partner, and I was immediately interested. This person said that his sister organizes Ayahuasca weekends in the Netherlands, near Amsterdam, so I started to look for these kinds of retreats and found one.

My partner and I had our first Ayahuasca ceremony together and saw it as a spiritual wedding ceremony for ourselves before getting married in this reality.

What is Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew used for centuries in South American cultures for spiritual and healing purposes. It’s prepared…



Alina Pitt
Readers Hope

Alina is a writer, yoga teacher, digital nomad, ex-marketing and sales manager. She escaped the 9-5 rat race and became a microdosing and biohacking advocate.