Focus on attaining internal success

Lashon Byrd
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2024


Photo by Nils on Unsplash

Most people are focused on the most superficial, fickle, fleeting, inconsequential things in life. Attaching their value and self-worth to other’s insignificant opinions about them, and the number of digits in their bank accounts. Neither can be taken to the grave or can diminish nor increase the inherent worth of an individual. Hence Zeno’s sentiment of most people being slaves and fools.

What’s internal success?

Internal success is sanity, it’s attaching your value and worth to what you say and do, no one else’s. Internal success is cultivating and maintaining a deep sense of inner peace, tranquility, and living virtuously. We’re all one, only egotism separates us, we should all love and value each other, celebrating our differences, realizing we’re all on the same boat, and no one’s better than anyone else regardless of external, superficial qualities like wealth, social status, or even accomplishments. Appreciating the beauty your fellow humans have created, celebrating it, and what a privilege it is to be alive, and go for a ride on this crazy train we call existence.

Spreading kindness, practicing gratitude, sculpting your mind and body as a form of self-love, practicing compassion and forgiveness. Living in the present moment, and meaningfully contributing to society, humanity. Contributing to society meaningfully and or significantly does not imply fame or material wealth will be attained as well. Particularly fame, contributing to society significantly and becoming famous are two different beasts. The former doesn’t depend on the opinions, approval, adulation, or praise alike of anyone. And can be done completely without it, while still being extremely valuable. The latter is strictly formed and maintained by it, hence the concept of relevancy. The latter is arguably the number one thing outside of your control, very fleeting, constant waxing and waning, why ever use it as a source of happiness?

You don’t need recognition for your work

There are millions of people changing the world, advancing humanity at the moment, but most of them you never hear about. While someone who grotesquely murders a few people becomes world renowned in a relatively short amount of time. That’s because fame is attention based, not merit based. Anyone can become famous; fame is no achievement. Additionally, you don’t need recognition or even credit for the good deed you’ve done. When you’ve done something good, and another person has benefited from it, seeking credit or expecting a favor in return is like adding an unnecessary layer.

The act of doing good is intrinsically rewarding, meaningful, and fulfilling. Credit, recognition for the good deed is extraneous and unnecessary. The action itself is where the real value and beauty lies. Being a good person is its own reward, seeking credit undermines the purity of the act. The intrinsic value of your work, contributions, doing good, far outweighs any external recognition.

Your contributions to humanity should be done selflessly. Your legacy, impact, in turn will be felt way beyond your lifetime. Devoid of vanity, full of genuine contributions that make a difference and can be tangibly felt regardless of whether your name is attached to it or not. Internal success is what truly matters, external success can be pleasant but ultimately doesn’t define you.

In turn, you will have done your duty as a human being.

And lead a truly meaningful, rich, fulfilling, happy life. Free from the strings of fate, the chains that shackles the majority of people. Leaving behind a legacy even.

P.S I de-monetize my best, most insightful articles.

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