Jeju Edition | Making Money While Traveling🧳

Edmund Chong
Readers Hope
Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2022


Taken at Jeju Botanic Garden

It’s awesome to know that I am able to make money writing stories off of my journey as a digital nomad. And thank you to my readers who love content like this.

It’s day 4 here in Jeju; Korea. Life here has always been something I dream of. A simple, relaxed, and cheerful environment that keeps me motivated to work my butt off to keep traveling as a nomad.

So I want to ask the golden question of HOW TO MAKE MONEY WHILE TRAVELING since I’m here in Jeju.


Whether you like it or not, making money is all about getting the right apps on your phone and computer for you to work on. When I meet with other digital nomads, we always ask questions about the tools and apps we use to make money off of.

It’s very interesting that every digital nomad has their specialty and things we can always learn from. So do me a clap on this article because I am giving away the tools that I use to make money for FREE.

Money Manager (Personal Tracking Apps)

Control how you spend and save by tracking where all your money goes on your mobile phone. I love the pie chart features which always allow me to look into the numbers clearly and make my financial decision from there.



Edmund Chong
Readers Hope

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