
My Reading Pet Peeves

A list of bookish things that irritate me

Alan Simpson
Reading is a Novel Idea
3 min readAug 25, 2022


A shelf full of books
Photo by author

I love reading. I have been a reader all of my life. I worked in a library for 25 years. Reading has been my life. As much as I love it, though, there are things that irritate me when it comes to books and reading. Here is a short list.

The Series Problem

Don’t get me wrong. I love a good series. One thing that breaks me out of a reading slump is to find a book from a series I love(you can find a list of my favorite mystery/thriller series here) The good thing about a series in that genre is that each book tends to have a stand-alone story that resolves at the end of the book. But, everything doesn’t have to be a neverending series. There’s nothing wrong with a good stand-alone book or even a good trilogy. I have abandoned several series because it was obvious the author was continuing the series for one of two reasons — they had no clue how to end it or they were trying to stretch it out too long to sell more books. Every story has an ending. Find it.

Books Are Too Damn Long

I admit that I am currently reading a book in a YA series(book 3 of the American Royals series by Katharine McGee) It is, for the most part, a romance. It is set in a world where Washington chose to…



Alan Simpson
Reading is a Novel Idea

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.