ReadyAI on the Road
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3 min readDec 2, 2019

PITTSBURGH, PA — (December 2, 2019) — Our team has been on the road for the past few weeks attending conferences and events. Here are some of the highlights we’d like to share with you:

The team first went to the APOST Everything Afterschool event to showcase our ReadyAI Lab program and to connect with other local after school programs in the community for potential collaboration opportunities. Where’s better to start universalizing AI education than within our local education agencies?

Our setup at the APOST Everything Afterschool Event

Then, we went to Arlington, VA for the “Teaching AI in K-12” Symposium to exchange thoughts and ideas of teaching the ReadyAI curriculum in our facility. We presented a measurement tool called “AI Competency Framework”, which is a radar map that evaluates students’ knowledge in AI, computational thinking ability, and soft skills like presentation and organization skills.

Our Program Manager, Yang Cheng, introducing the “AI Competency Framework” to the audience

On November 13–15, the team attended the SciTech event at the Carnegie Science Center to exhibit a self-driving car simulation set for young students in Pittsburgh. Not only did we present how the AI unit can detect and process the surroundings and make decisions accordingly, we also talked about the potential impacts of self-driving technology on society and our lives. Many students found our interactive exhibit interesting and shared their thoughts on AI and autonomous vehicles with us.

A student driving Cozmo the robot at our set
Students learning about the Cozmo app interface

We also went to the William Paterson University for the Educational Technology Conference last week. At the event, Dr. David Touretzky from CMU and our program manager, Yang Cheng held a workshop for teachers in 3–12 grades on AI robot programming and how it can help students learn to reason about programs. Teachers were able to experience Calypso and the Cozmo robot firsthand and see how they can use these to cultivate students’ analytical thinking and logical reasoning.

Dr. David Touretzky teaching the First Law of Calypso

Being on the road helped us connect with people across the country and further realize our mission to promote AI education. We had received much productive feedback and these always motivate us to do better. We hope to see you guys again soon!



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ReadyAI is the first comprehensive K-12 AI education company to create an “out of the box ready” and complete program to teach AI for K-12 AI education that empowers students to use AI to change the world.

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ReadyAI is the first comprehensive K-12 AI education company to create a complete program to teach AI and empower students to use AI to change the world.