Reality Cards —Testnet Version Live!

DeFi Dude
Reality Cards
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

Today marks a special day for Reality Cards — after announcing our out-of-stealth move and beta launch last year, we’re happy to share that our V1 is now live on the Sokol Testnet!

In this version, we’ve introduced a number of exciting upgrades and improvements, as well as an entire overhaul to the website’s look and feel. If you were a previous beta user, we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the changes we’ve brought to Reality Cards since then.

To learn how to connect to the Sokol Testnet, please click here.

Noteworthy Changes:

  1. Utilizing The Graph — Unlike our beta version which was sluggish at times and required your wallet to be connected, this version utilizes The Graph to take advantage of near-instant load times for on-chain data and without the need to connect your wallet.
  2. Common Deposit — With a common deposit feature, users can now deposit on the website in one location and use the same deposit for all of the different events across the website. In our previous version, each Card had its own deposit balance, which was a nightmare to keep track of.
  3. Leaderboard — Nothing beats a little friendly competition, right? We now support full leaderboards for each event that lists top renters/addresses which will also let you see who’s in the running to keep the NFT after the event!
  4. Order Book — Using the new order book feature, anyone can now easily see which users held the event Card in the past, as well as which users will hold it in the future (and at what price) if the current renter’s deposit runs out. In the future this will see even more improvements such as allowing underbids directly into the order book.
  5. Profile Section — We’ve introduced a new profile section that users can access by clicking on their wallet address once connected. This section lets users easily track their current and previous rentals, as well as view their trophy cabinet (where the precious NFTs you’ve won are displayed).
  6. Factory Deployment Architecture — Our contracts have also been completely redesigned, allowing new events to be added by a simple function call. This allows anyone to easily create their own event (and will soon be supported in the interface).
  7. Website Redesign — The most obvious and upfront change, we’ve completely redesigned the website from the ground up to make the experience even more friendly!
A fresh new look!

What’s Next?

Some other features that are in the pipeline to be brought to Reality Cards in the near future:

  • Artist commissioned Cards
  • Open market creation at the interface level
  • Underbidding
  • Deposit Dai directly from mainnet to Reality Cards on xDai
  • Meta transactions (allowing users to keep MetaMask set to mainnet)
  • Price history graph
  • Quick rent feature
  • …with much more planned ahead!

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Testnet Version:



