RebelDot turned two! Capturing the flag, building our internal product and adding 23 new Rebels to the team.

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8 min readAug 5, 2020


Before starting to write this article, we took a quick trip to memory lane and read our one-year anniversary retrospective, RebelDot after one year: sugar, spice and everything nice? Scrolling through the titles, we knew right away that keeping this article under a reasonable word count is going to be a challenge — and this, couldn't make us more proud to be Rebels.

Despite all the bumpy roads and challenges (COVID-19 included), our second Rebel year was crowded with time together, lessons to learn, new opportunities and, of course, challenges. We made plans, and not everything happened according to our agendas. We went from working from our offices to a home first set in just a few days. All our Culture & People initiatives had to be reinvented and our travelling plans got hijacked in a split second. We took everything as it came, and just like everybody else, we adapted to the new normal.

Today, we are thrilled to celebrate 759 days of RebelDot. Here's what's been keeping us busy this past year.

We built an internal product — then pivot it.

As you might already know, 2020 was the year we launched Visidot, our internal product.

Visidot a contact tracing and digital visitor log. We help businesses keep track of your guests, gather statistics and visualise real-time data. All, in a 100% GDPR compliant environment.

Immediately after launching #Visidot, COVID-19 kicked in.

Since our product is a solution designed for keeping track of visitors and the restrictions applied meant no visitors allowed, it shook us a little bit. We were talking with lots of potential clients, and we were surprised by how many of them reached out to ask for a demo.

However, as rebels, we are adaptable and always looking for a solution. Plus, we built Visidot as an easy to pivot solution so we took advantage of the lockdowns to continually work on making the app better and think about other functionalities that would help companies adjust to the new normality.

A few weeks ago, we launched Visidot for Restaurants. We wanted to help restaurants adapt to the new normal, offering an easy to use solution for keeping track of their restaurant visitors while ensuring their health and safety.

We got our Quality Management (ISO 9001) & Information Security Management (ISO 27001) recertifications!

As proof of the quality of the deliverables, RebelDot is an ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 company, a Microsoft Certified Partner (Gold Application Development and Gold Cloud Platform) since 2019 and 2018.

This year, we worked on obtaining our ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 recertifications. We choose to implement the standards and get our information security management & quality management certifications to assure the security of the information of our clients and the quality of our services.

We now cover twelve new industries!

RebelDot is a digital product development company with experience in building web and mobile apps for businesses in several industries. This year, we are proud to have extended our expertise to industries such as Telemedicine, Property Technology, IoT, Parking Systems, Maritime Transportation, Content & Influencer Platforms, Contact Tracing, Vistors Management and Online Events Platform.

We are thankful for being part of the amazing stories of startups and companies alike, seeking to bring innovation to their sectors and solve real deal problems for their users. Curious to know more about our work? See our web and mobile apps portfolio.

RebelDot became a Private Investment Group partner.

The Private Investment Group is a global company with a presence in over 25 countries. They help companies gain access to new markets, raise capital when needed or form strategic partnerships from the private sector or at a governmental level. RebelDot is proud to have joined The Private Investment Group as a technology & innovation partner.

What are our clients saying about working with us?

We’re happy for our clients and the way in which they trust technology for helping them make other people’s life easier, solve global problems and innovate. We love the way in which we get to grow with them and perfect the services we offer along the way. We build long term partnerships and make sure to sustain the growth of the business we’re part of.

Oh, and when they start talking about working with us — our hearts fill with joy. It’s because their success is ours too.

We opened a new office, this time in Copenhagen, Denmark.

You already know we love travelling, and even more, we love our Rebel people overseas. We wanted to be closer to our clients and the tech community in Copenhagen, so we opened a new office right there, in the heart of the Scandinavian way of living we are fond of.

Later we got announced as one of the most highly-rated B2B firms in Denmark, according to Clutch. Huge thanks to our Copenhagen community for this!

We onboarded 23 new Rebels!

In our second year as official Rebels, we wanted to continue our growth. Checked, checked, checked! Twenty-three new Rebels joined our mission on helping startups and businesses alike innovate through technology, and we couldn’t be more thankful for our brilliant new joiners.

The good news is that we are always in search of talented rebels. Check our jobs at RebelDot page, and let’s have an online coffee together.

Aaaaand, we had a 100% recruitment acceptance rate.

Yup. You read that well. Our acceptance rate was 100%. We ‘’blame’’ it on the great culture we managed to create for the past years and the rigorous but honest recruitment process our candidates are going through.

You don’t have to take our words for granted. We asked our colleagues about the reasons they joined us, and we are super excited to share them with you.

Wondering what made our people choose us?

"Culture! When searching for a software engineer position, my main point is the culture of a company. Through great values, one can learn so much (including on the tech stack side of things). Since the first interview, I knew I want to be in a place with a great culture where people have in common the same values and from where you can learn and grow as an individual — RebelDot."- Lucian

"The recruitment process went smoothly and was surprisingly fast, with the entire team being really professional. They explained the company’s values and from the very beginning I could see that they were close to each other and I felt that I would be very happy to be a part of this extended family." — Edina

"From the first interactions, I was sold!.The discussions were relaxing, pleasant and focused on transparency. During the recruitment process, I was called to be asked how do I feel and if I was ok in general, although there was no job offer yet. The attention to employee’s wellbeing is just amazing." — Andrei

"I chose to join RebelDot because, throughout the interviews, I got a strong impression that the people are not only interesting but, most of all, interested. I felt that, once I will get here, everyone around will actively support me in becoming a better version of myself, both professionally and as a person." — Dragos

Plus an 83.33% retention rate.

Our efforts to keep our colleagues engaged and thinking about their wellbeing before taking a decision is reflected in our retention rate as well: 83.33%

We also run exit interviews to make sure we learn from the people that decided to pursue another career, and all our exits were on good terms.

Giving back to the world.

Caring about the community, the planet, and trying to help less fortunate people, has always been a strong drive for us.

From helping a five years old buy in his fight with meningitis, giving a hand to one of the schools affected by COVID-19, and joining forces with ‘’Un Singur Cluj’’, a local organisation, to help our doctors fight the pandemic, this year was a true wake up call for all of us. It helped us understand the power of community and the responsibility we all have for making sure we provide a better future for the next generations.

Internal events — our favourites!

A healthy organizational culture is, was, and always will be one of our main priorities.

We do our best to foster a culture where the wellbeing and professional growth of our people are at the centre of everything we do. We encourage professional and personal growth while having fun in the process.

To make this possible, every year, we spend time coming up with creative internal initiatives and test what is suitable for us. In our second year as RebelDot, we had 22 internal initiatives and events that made us bond with each other.

Adapting to COVID-19.

For almost all of us, COVID-19 will remain the highlight of 2020. In January, when we lit up our fireworks dreaming big about all the things we will achieve, we certainly did not expect this plot twist. But hey, no one did.

We quickly adapted to the scenario in front of us. We worked to make sure our colleagues have everything they need to continue their work and feel the Rebel spirit from their own homes. We wrote an article about how we took care of our employees during COVID-19 and the initiatives we took to maintain the wellbeing of our people during this pandemic.

Also, we asked our Rebels to share how they adapted to working from home, and here is what they said: Life in our Rebel homes. Stories and insights from our home offices.

Aaaaand, last but not least, we captured the flag!

Do you know those kinds of milestones that might seem small and insignificant from people outside the company but are extremely important for the ones inside?

We had one on our 2nd anniversary: to add our logo on top of our office building.

It sounds easier than it was, but after all the paperwork we did it, we captured the flag!

Did we have a celebration PARTY?

In hopes that this will go back to normal and will be able to meet and celebrate our second Rebel year, we started planning an outdoor party. Things did not go as planned, but this did not take us by surprise.

Our People and Culture team came up with the idea of an online party, and, prioritising the health and safety of our people, we decided to embrace the newness of this initiative.

Wondering how it all went? Stay close, we are going to share it all in another article (coming soon).

Want to keep track of what we are up to at RebelDot? You can follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Facebook. Choose one or go for all — it's your choice.




I help startup founders and business owners build web and mobile apps. Tech writer and marketing aficionado.