1984年中英條約簽署後,香港超級富豪中,不少為尋求政治保險,紛紛將資金運往加拿大 — 一個政治氣候穩定,但投資氣氛不如香港刺激的地區。隨後港人投資加拿大的情況有增無減。據加拿大領事館的統計數字顯示,88至89年度香港人往加拿大的投資金額為240至300億港元。本刊駐加拿大通訊員霍德,追踪各大富豪的投資動向,現選取其中10位在港知名度高和影響力大的富豪在加投資的「秘密檔案」,向大家逐一披露。
〈酒店走資 — 香港巨富進軍溫哥華酒店業〉《資本雜誌》11期(1988年10月):
七十年代初,百樂酒店的許氏家族已在溫哥華市中心買入一幅龐大的士地。最近,香格里拉的郭鶴年家族首次進軍北美洲,向許氏家族買入這幅土地,準備在那裏興建一間有四百個房間的香格里拉酒店和多層商場、住宅和寫字樓。不久前,澳門賭王何鴻燊亦在溫哥華買入著名的Le Meridien Vancouver酒店。這間酒店原因破產而被接管,當時破產官訂出底價5,000萬出售…當地人士對該酒店沒有甚麼興趣…中娛的劉氏兄弟曾試圖染指,但發現對手全是香港人,於是急流勇退。結果何鴻燊在一番激烈競爭後勝出…
繼和黃李嘉誠、新世界鄭裕彤、恆基李兆基、澳門賭王何鴻燊、瑞安集團、富豪酒店集團羅旭瑞之後,另個來自亞洲的商業世家 — 郭氏[郭鶴年]家族 — 亦正進軍大溫哥華…透過一間名為Goddard & Smith Realty Ltd 的地產公司,郭氏一擲便是7,150萬加幣,奪兩幅市中心的地皮…據本刊了解,李嘉誠以極高價購下溫哥華86年世博場址之舉,是其中個影響郭氏作出如此決定的因素…參與搶購潮的投資者不僅來自資本主義國家,連中國大陸的亦加入戰圈,最近即有北京資本買下市中心的Pagebrook酒店(價格未明) ,並把它易名為Westbrook…
“CSIS Warns of Chinese Influence On Canadian Real Estate…20 Years Ago” Better Dwelling(2016–10–24):
In a report titled Chinese Intelligence Services and Triads Financial Links in Canada, an RCMP-CSIS joint task force allege that the Chinese government is using legal and legitimate businesses to gain control over the economic levers of Canada. They also warn that the “Canadian economy is concentrated in three or four large urban centres.” Consequently, “[Canada] is more vulnerable [than other countries] because of the many legislative loopholes governing finance and the concentration of financial power in the hands of few”…
The report also warns that “if you look at a single individual, the threat does not seem to be there, but because of their associations and their alliances with China, the facts analyzed lead us to believe that a gain of influence is the object of a concerted plan and that could constitute a threat to Canada.”…
Well known (and loved) Chinese-Canadian business tycoons are said to be a threat. Stanley Ho (Casino barron, former owner of Ramada), and Li Ka-shing (founder of Concord Pacific) are both named in the report for their aggressive investments in Canadian real estate, and financial institutions…
The report also alleges that Triads have developed large businesses in Canada, both legitimate and not-so-much. For those that don’t know, the Triads are one of the largest organized crime groups in the world. They have significant operations in Canada, mostly around Vancouver and Toronto…
The report claims Beijing is giving them a free pass in exchange for sharing influence. RCMP-CSIS analysts also claim they have identified triads, amongst legitimate immigrants, using “investor” and “entrepreneur visas” to come to Canada. They note that Canada is an “excellent place to invest in companies to launder the profits derived from criminal activities while securing a portion of their assets outside of Hong Kong and obtaining a Canadian passport.” Back then they must’ve been unaware that Canada is an excellent place to launder any money.
The report also accuses the Chinese Intelligence Service (ChIS) of using specialists, students, and shell companies to “pursue their acquisition of economic intelligence.” They additionally claim that ChIS is attempting to position themselves in a way in which they can impact the management of the country…
the report isn’t racist and thinks the whole country should be on edge with all Chinese people. In fact, the analysts say the “great majority” of Chinese immigrants are “legitimate”. They allege that spies and triads are hiding amongst the ranks of regular families. Despite this, the report claims “Canadian authorities detected a significant presence of Chinese organized crime” using Canada’s generous immigration schemes…
The internal struggle reads like an argument between kids, then covered up by the oldest one. Senior RCMP officials say CSIS officials tried to alter information and delete materials in ways that “undermined the report’s integrity”. CSIS claims the report did not meet the analytical rigour. The Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) did a final investigation into the matter, and claimed the report was “deeply flawed”. They did determine that the final draft was up to standard, but it did not present a credible threat.
They also disclosed in a second report that documents were improperly handled. One agent in Toronto had his car broken into, and files stolen. They concluded “petty thieves intent on supporting a drug habit” committed the crime. They also say the classified documents stolen were “unread”, disposed of in a dumpster, and emptied at a landfill site…but they were never recovered. Which is a lot of details considering they have no idea what happened after the burglary.
2001年港媒《 壹週刊》也有報導,甚至獨家訪問相關官員,但記者傾向認為報告內容牽強,以至有反華勢力藉此大造文章。
絕密報告正式的名字叫《Chinese Intelligence Services and Triads Financial Links in Canada》,但所有人都叫它作Sidewinder(《響尾蛇》報告)。有關的調查在九六年五月展開,由加拿大安全情報局和皇家騎警首次聯手負責…初步報告於九七年六月完成,亦即是香港回歸前一個月;然而,就在此敏感時刻,於原定提交期前四日,安全情報局上頭突然下令:「終止調查」。
報告所言,難辨真偽,但許多私下傳閱報告的皇家騎警情報員,甚至美國特工,也對內容深信不疑。主要原因是替報告提供資料的Brian McAdam,曾擔任加拿大駐港專員公署移民官四年多,是加拿大一流的亞洲情報專家。
關於加港黑社會活動歷史脈絡,網站Better Dwelling另有文章概述,又有網上文章綜述加拿大華文傳媒發展,回顧二十世紀初《大漢公報》和《洪鐘報》擁護孫文革命的洪門致公堂社團背景。
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