
Published in
19 min readSep 24, 2019


2000年5月初,香港民主黨主席李柱銘赴美就給予中國永久正常貿易地位(PNTR)進行遊說,先後會見美國總統及多位國會議員。圖為李柱銘及美國民主黨眾議員Tim Roemer。[Source:議事論事 政壇回憶錄:李柱銘(2011年5月12日)]

議事論事 政壇回憶錄:李柱銘(2011年5月12日):


VOA 櫛風沐雨:40年美中關係回顧與展望(2019年3月4日):

VOA 櫛風沐雨:40年美中關係回顧與展望(2019年3月4日)
VOA 櫛風沐雨:40年美中關係回顧與展望(2019年3月4日)
VOA 櫛風沐雨:40年美中關係回顧與展望(2019年3月4日)

VOA 魏京生回憶永久最惠國之爭(2018年12月31日):

VOA 魏京生回憶永久最惠國之爭(2018年12月31日)
VOA 巴爾舍夫斯基大使回憶(2019年1月1日)

VOA 巴爾舍夫斯基大使回憶(2019年1月1日):

巴爾舍夫斯基(前美國貿易代表):「克林頓總統當時的看法是,貧困的國家相對來說不太穩定。一個貧窮的國度,如果民眾看不到希望,會成為一個不穩定的因素。 在任何情況下,這都應該成為美國的政策,就是幫助一個希望發展的國家,特別是他們希望遵循國際規則發展的國家。 所以,總統把入世當成一個可以為中國民眾創造機會的途徑。克林頓總統過去總是說,我們不能為中國選擇,我們也不能幫他們選擇他們希望的政治制度,但是我們可以幫忙,讓中國民眾有個選擇機會,通過為中國帶來巨大繁榮, 通過入世帶給中國經濟的改革和發展。」
VOA 櫛風沐雨:40年美中關係回顧與展望(2019年3月4日)


1995年8至9月間,香港五大商會邀美國國會議員助理訪問粵港兩地。 [圖:《香港中華總商會會刊》(1995年第5期)]
1996年4月,香港四大商會邀美國國會議員助理訪問粵港兩地。 [圖:《香港中華總商會會刊》(1996年第3期)]
1997年3月,香港四大商會邀美國國會議員助理訪問粵港兩地。 [圖:《香港中華總商會會刊》(1997年第3期)]
1998年4月,香港總商會與香港中華總商會邀美國國會議員助理訪問粵港兩地。 [圖:《香港中華總商會會刊》(1998年第5期)]



"We told the Vice-President and Mr Lake that my party, which is the strongest and most popular party in Hong Kong, supports unconditional renewal of the Most Favoured Nation status for China and we explained to them that without it Hong Kong will get hit first and hit badly and the Vice-President and also Mr Lake expressed appreciation of the stance we take and said it is most helpful to the US Administration…it is clearly up to the US administration to decide what to do… Now if this elected legislature will be replaced by an appointed one then the rule of law in Hong Kong can no longer be preserved. Hong Kong will no longer have this healthy environment to attract overseas investors."[Source: AP Archive bit.ly/2X7AUS6]

6月5日,共和黨參議員William V. Roth就引用李柱銘、魏京生等知名民主人士講法,認為只有透過支持無條件給予中國最惠國待遇,美國才可影響中國,增進其民主人權及文明:

…cutting ourselves off from China by withdrawing its MFN status will end any ability the United States has to directly influence developments in China, including how China treats its citizens and whether it permits the development of a freer society and more democratic political system. United States businesses help advance human rights and civil society in China by being there, not by leaving or by being shut out. United States companies operating in China observe basic worker rights in dealings with their local employees. United States companies provide Chinese citizens with opportunities unheard of before China began to open its economy and society to the outside world in 1978. United States companies teach their Chinese employees the valuable lessons of American business culture, including independent decision making and enterpreneurial skills.Among other reasons, that’s why Martin Lee, the Hong Kong legislator and human rights advocate; Hong Kong Gov. Chris Patten and Wei Jingsheng, the prominent Chinese dissident who has suffered for so long from state persecution, all support renewal of MFN for China… Mr. President, I think that it is the height of arrogance for opponents of MFN to assert that they know better than Martin Lee, Wei Jingsheng, the Taiwanese, and the countries of ASEAN, how to change China’s behavior. Indeed, as they know, there is ample evidence that the mere threat of revoking MFN will make China less cooperative and more confrontational…
[source: cs.pn/2wgZ2WL]
1997年主權移交前夕,李柱銘以香港第一大黨魁身份展開世界巡迴訪問,邀請各國政府支持香港民主政制,4月15日在華盛頓會見美國國務卿奧爾布賴特(Madeleine Albright),邀請對方來港見證主權移交。其後李柱銘又會見總統克林頓與副總統戈爾。李柱銘:“The US government takes the Hong Kong issue very seriously and is prepared to give recognition to the democratically elected leader from Hong Kong. After all, my party is the most popular political party in Hong Kong, having won more seats than any other party throughout these years. And it is a very important message that the US President cares for Hong Kong.”[Source: AP Archive bit.ly/2QjZgp6;LA Times lat.ms/2HCNm7k]

1997年6月24日,共和黨眾議員Gerald Solomon提出反對給予中國最惠國待遇議案:

Mr. Speaker, in rising in support of the Solomon resolution, let me just say that enough is enough is enough. If ever there was a policy out of touch with reality, it is our current policy of appeasement toward Communist China. And, of course, the continuous unlinked granting of MFN is the cornerstone of that appeasement policy; and that is why I have introduced this legislation, which would revoke MFN for China temporarily until the communist Chinese Government decides to change it, to change its ways by stopping its religious persecution, its human rights atrocities, and selling deadly missiles and poison gas factories to rogue nations like Iran. That does not even mention its trade discrimination, costing hundreds of thousands of American jobs…Mr. Speaker, hardly a day goes by when the economic and trade picture with China does not get worse. We have heard it alluded to earlier today. China’s refusal to grant fair and open access to American goods has resulted in our trade deficits with that country skyrocketing to $38 billion last year, and it is going toward $50 billion this year because our goods are not allowed in China…More importantly, hardly a day goes by without reading of yet another act of aggression, another act of duplicity, or another affront to humanity committed by the dictatorship in Beijing. Consider human rights, the same people who conducted the massacre in Tiananmen Square and the inhumane oppression of Tibet have been busily eradicating the last remnants of democracy in China. And as we speak, they are preparing to squash democracy in Hong Kong… China has also ramped up its already severe suppression of religious activity… Engagement theorists on both sides of this aisle know it. They know that this is happening, and all they can talk about is dollars for multinational corporations. It is enough to make you throw up sometimes…And even worse, in the field of national security… the engagement theorists completely ignore our national interests by appeasing the communists in Beijing. They totally ignore the relentless Chinese military buildup, ever more frequent exports of technology for weapons of mass destruction, and an increasingly belligerent Chinese foreign policy. While every other major country has reduced its military spending, Communist China has increased its military spending by double digits each year… Meanwhile, China’s irresponsible missile proliferation activities continue unabated… Let me repeat. Has anyone around here thought about who these missiles that the Iranians are buying, who they will be used against? They will be used against the U.S. Navy because we will be called in over there…Does China need to commit a second Tiananmen Square in Hong Kong or elsewhere? Do they have to invade Taiwan? And if so, what is Congress going to do about it, Mr. Speaker? More appeasement? Do they have to take out American ships and kill American sailors with Sunburn missiles? Then what are we going to say? “Oh, my goodness, you should not have done that, China”?Mr. Speaker, no MFN was given to the Soviets under Ronald Reagan. Peace through strength brought down the Iron Curtain and brought an end to that deadly atheistic communism in that part of the world. At the same time we were giving most-favored-nation treatment to China. Some of my colleagues will say, “Well, we were playing the China card” and, yes, maybe we were but the China card is over. Now is the time to stand up to this rogue regime in Beijing and let them know we are not going to take it anymore.
[Source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2K2r405;CONGRESS.GOV bit.ly/2Wp0x3J]

民主黨議員Nancy Pelosi贊同,強調克林頓總統對華「參與政策」徒勞無功:

President Clinton has said promoting Democratic freedom, stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and promoting U.S. exports are pillars of our foreign policy. In each of these important areas, the administration’s policy of so-called constructive engagement has not succeeded. In fact, there has been a marked deterioration, not improvement, under the administration’s policy…The first myth is that United States-China trade is a job-winner for the United States. This is an out-and-out hoax… United States jobs are being lost through the Chinese Government’s practices of requiring technology and production transfer. The Chinese Government is carefully and calculatingly building its own economic future by acquiring United States technological expertise. It allows into China only the goods it wants, and then through mandatory certification of the technology by Chinese research and design institutes, the technology is disseminated to Chinese domestic ventures. Not only does this practice not benefit U.S. workers who are left behind as the companies lose their own market share, but we are surrendering our own technology in the meantime… In the realm of intellectual property piracy, as Members know, despite the agreement the piracy is rampant, to the cost of $2.6 billion in 1996 alone…Second, China is halting its proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, myth №2. The truth is that China continues to proliferate dangerous weapons of mass destruction technology to Iran, Libya, Iraq, Syria, and other dangerous countries, destabilizing regions of strategic importance to the United States. The transfer of this technology is a threat to United States troops based in the Persian Gulf, and a threat to the security of Israel…The third myth to debunk, Mr. Speaker, is that trade is improving human rights in China. Pro-MFN advocates continue to advance this notion of trickle-down liberty, even though the facts are to the contrary. Since Tiananmen Square, the State Department’s own country reports have been dismal on this subject, and its own report in 1996, which was released this spring of 1997, contains an excellent description of the current state of human rights in China… The (Chinese) government continued widespread and well-documented human rights abuses, in violation of internationally accepted norms, stemming from the authorities’ intolerance of dissent…A vote for MFN today is a vote of confidence in a failing policy. Opposing MFN says that you believe that the status quo is not acceptable. Instead, we must have a policy of sustainable engagement with China, engagement which makes the trade fairer, the world safer, and the people freer.
[Source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2K2r405;CONGRESS.GOV bit.ly/2Wp0x3J]

當時共和黨議員Bob Livingston為反駁關於中國人權問題各種指控,引用了港督彭定康、香港民主領袖李柱銘和西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛的見解,指出這些民主人士都認為,撤銷中國MFN即帶來各種孤立惡果,令更多民眾受害,也令香港經濟蒙受損失:

If we cut them off, isolate them, are we going to enhance the plight of the Chinese people, or all the people they control? Not according to Martin Lee, who is the leader of democracy in Hong Kong; not according to Chris Patten, the former Governor of Hong Kong, who is on his way out; not according to the Dalai Lama from Tibet. These three leaders and proponents for democracy say that cutting off MFN for China is going to increase the probability that people will be oppressed by the Chinese Government.If MFN is not extended, Hong Kong will stand to lose $20–30 billion in trade and 60,000–85,000 jobs. Moreover, their economy will be cut by over 50 percent and incomes will be reduced by $4 billion. The United States has an estimated 170,000 jobs dependent on exports to China. United States exports have more than tripled over the last 10 years and China is now our fifth largest trading partner, accounting for $12 billion of United States exports. A number of religious groups in and out of China favor MFN. Taking away MFN will only hurt the Chinese people, particularly those who are persecuted because of religious faith…

民主黨議員Tim Roemer亦引用各界頭面人物言論,為續予中國MFN保駕護航,當中包括宗教人士葛培理牧師、人權領袖李柱銘和港督彭定康:

Now I know we have a lot of experts here in this body on foreign relations. But when we go to the real experts on foreign relations and we are concerned about religious freedom, Billy Graham, the Reverend Billy Graham has written, “Do not treat China as an adversary but as a friend.” If my colleagues were concerned about human rights, ask Martin Lee, who is over there in the trenches. “Do not take away MFN,” he says. If my colleagues are concerned about Hong Kong, Gov. Chris Patten says, “Do not take away MFN for Hong Kong or China.”


1999年11月,民主黨主席李柱銘特別去信美國總統克林頓,促請美方支持中國加入世貿。[source: http://www.martinlee.org.hk/PR14.11.99.html]

11月16日,美國眾議院辯論美中兩國代表就中國加入世貿達成的雙邊協議,共和黨議員David Dreier引用倡議香港民主領袖人物李柱銘的見解為例,主張與中國做生意可促進人權法治:

Mr. Speaker, I hope that this trade deal, which will bolster the rule of law in Chinese business and trade dealings, will move individual rights forward in China. I was especially pleased that Martin Lee, the leading advocate of democracy for the Chinese people, based in Hong Kong, supports bringing China into the world trade system of rules and laws for this reason. That is certainly a very good and positive sign.
[Source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2HXJ1dC;CONGRESS.GOV bit.ly/2JDl0vN]
[Source: AP Archive bit.ly/2Wog9V3]


“I see a good prospect of this being extended to human rights for the ordinary people of China too. And therefore if congress people, congressmen and women, were to vote no I can’t see how it would possibly help freedoms of the Chinese people. We do not support it because we think that the Chinese government should be rewarded… But we don’t want… the Chinese people, to be punished… we share the sentiments of quite a number of members of the Congress who are opposed to WTO (World Trade Organization) and PNTR (Permanent Normal Trade Relations) on human rights grounds. But, although we share the sentiments, we do not agree with he conclusion.”[Source: AP Archive bit.ly/2Wog9V3]


到5月17日,美國眾議院辯論關於給予中國永久正常貿易地位(PNTR)的課題,共和黨議員Peter Sessions談到美中貿易關於知識產權問題爭議,認為給予PNTR與中國入世才能對這大國施以監管,確保其邁向守法,適當處理國安與盜版問題,甚至有朝一日像美國般進步:

…what is put at risk by this and China becoming a member of the WTO is nothing less than as I or United States Customs officials will tell us, them being in China and going throughout the stores in China, which in some sense are just like America, they have the Wal-Marts and the Biz-Marts and the everything marts, but on their shelves are many of the same items that we would have in America by a different name, because you see they do not have to follow the trade policies of the general world community. They can have what are called pirated software, pirated pieces of information, and that is the intellectual property that belongs to America. When they are a part of normal trade relations and WTO, they will participate with America and be trading partners. They will be interested in making sure that what is on theirselves is a relationship between the American company that makes this and the Chinese worker that will buy it.Continuous improvement, we talked about that being at risk. We talked about what is being at risk in terms of the ability that we have in our country to ensure that our national security, as well as the freedom in China is further. I can think of no better relationship to have with the country to continue being friends then to reach out to them and offer them not only the handshake of economic opportunity and trade, but also for them to become more like America. This is how they become more like America.
[Source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2JZrhkS;CONGRESS.GOV bit.ly/2X6zvLJ]

其共和黨友David Dreier再引用日前會見香港民主人權先鋒李柱銘所聽到的見解,指中國入世不僅帶來政經好處,更有助中國邁向法治,這觀點正好回應當時美中貿易關於知識產權問題爭議。Dreier強調李柱銘不屬於工商界涉利益陣營,他本人一心推動民主自由,並為此付上代價,因此尤其可信:

If I can reclaim my time on that point, I would say our quest to have them become more like America is one which is, as my friend, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Sessions) has said very appropriately, is recognition of the rule of law, and he touched on the fact that piracy has existed, the so-called intellectual property debate, and it is an important one. The promotion of the rule of law is key to that relationship. And we have made great strides in our quest to improve it. I know of people in this government who have been working very hard for years to try and promote that rule of law, because that, again, recognition of private property and, again, intellectual property is something that we cannot ignore and is a very important part of the debate.And one person who I think has underscored the importance of that has been Martin Lee, who a week before last met up in our Committee on Rules office and talked with a few of our colleagues about the issue. Martin Lee is someone who some may have forgotten. If we go back nearly 3 years ago, to 1997, when we observed the handover of Hong Kong from British colonial rule to the People’s Republic of China, Martin Lee has been on the cutting edge in Hong Kong as the greatest promoter of democracy and freedom and human rights.He came to Washington as the great champion of human rights and democracy in Hong Kong to say that he believed that it is so important that we grant Permanent Normal Trade Relations. Now, this is not someone who is involved with industry and all the disparaging remarks that have been made by opponents of Permanent Normal Trade Relations. He is not a part of that camp. He is one who simply focuses on democracy, the rule of law, freedom and opportunity, and he has made great sacrifices in the pursuit of that. And in his statement, he said that China’s WTO membership, and I quote, would not only have economic and political benefits but would serve to bolster those in China who understand that the country must embrace the rule of law. He understands that it is very key to the promotion of the rule of law for China to become a member of the World Trade Organization.

到5月23日,美國眾議院辯論續予中國正常貿易待遇法案(H.R. 4444),民主黨議員Bernie Sanders形容整場辯論都是企業貪婪作祟,美國最大跨國集團大灑金錢賣廣告遊說贊助競選,一個重要原因是,他們企業得益於中國低廉又剝削的勞動環境,這經營模式加上中美龐大貿易逆差,令美國工人陷於空前困境:

Mr. Chairman, after all is said and done, this debate is all about two words, corporate greed. The largest multinational corporations in this country are spending tens of millions of dollars on campaign contributions, advertising, and lobbying for one major reason, they must prefer to hire desperate Chinese workers at 10 cents, 15 cents or 20 cents an hour than higher American workers at a living wage. Why would they want to hire an American when they can employ Chinese women at 20 cents an hour and force them to work seven days a week, 12 hours a day and arrest them when they try to form a union? That is a good place for a large multinational corporation to do business.Mr. Chairman, American workers today are working longer hours for lower wages than they were 25 years ago. We do not need to punish them further and by expanding the already huge trade deficit that we have with China and costs us hundreds of thousands of more jobs and push wages down lower in this country. Mr. Chairman, this agreement is opposed by unions representing millions of American workers, by environmental organizations concerned about the fragility of this planet’s environment, by religious groups such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who are concerned about religious freedom and human rights, by veterans organizations, like the American Legion and the VFW who are concerned about the issues of national security. Mr. Chairman, let us have the guts to stand up to the big money interests who are more concerned about their bottom line than the best interests of the American people. Let us vote no on this issue.
[Source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2wmeIbg;CONGRESS.GOV bit.ly/2X6b7da]

其民主黨友Ron Kind則引用中國人權先鋒李柱銘的見解為議案背書,認為排斥中國不是辦法,懲罰中共政權將令中國民眾更受害,又指互聯網資訊自由有助中國民眾申張人權,促進勞工待遇甚至民主自由。Kind形容李柱銘確信既然中國入世十拿九穩,美國要給予永久正常貿易關係(PNTR),確保與國際社會一同參與中國,透過經濟改革帶動中國法治人權,建設自由民主中國:

And perhaps the foremost human rights activist in China today, Martin Lee, had this to say in support of PNTR during a discussion that I personally had with him: “in short bring China into the international forum and hold her to the agreement rather than exclude her. How can human rights improve by keeping China out? You punish the government, but you punish the people even more.” In fact, Mr. Lee also talked about the power that the Internet provides by empowering the people within China with the free flow of information and ideas to make the changes that have to be made by them to improve human rights, labor conditions and hopefully for a free and democratic society…In my conversation with Martin Lee, he expressed to me his sincere belief that, given China’s almost certain accession to the WTO, it is in the best interest of the Chinese people for Congress to approve PNTR. He believes a vote for PNTR will ensure that the United States remains a full partner in the world community’s engagement with China, and will strengthen our position as a leader of reform. The status quo, he said, will have no effect on human rights in China, and in fact, may result in entrenching hard-line, anti-reform positions. Making it easier for U.S. products and services to reach Chinese markets will force the Chinese government to strengthen its legal system and respect the rule of law, which will only serve to protect the political, labor and civil rights of individuals in China. We emphasized that through the power of the Internet and the free flow of information and ideas that increased trade brings, faster progress can be made on human rights, labor conditions and eventually, a free and democratic China.

5月24日,美國共和黨眾議員David Dreier提出討進一步審議修訂續予中國正常貿易待遇法案(H.R. 4444),再度提名香港民主領袖李柱銘、台灣陳水扁總統和美國名人包括前總統布殊、卡特、福特、前國務卿鮑威爾、聯儲局主席格林斯潘、宗教人士葛培理牧師,以至昔日西單民主牆運動領袖任畹町、魏京生,強調這些人都支持中國加入世貿,認為開放做生意有利中國民主人權,他們不是蠢人,與他們一起就是加入未來大贏家行列,投身解救中國千年貧困壓迫,恢復自由與人性尊嚴的歷史潮流:

We do not face a choice between American pocketbooks and American values. The fact is, trade with China is good for the Chinese people. It is good for human rights. It is good for democratic reform. It is good for national security, and it is good for American values. Yes, high-tech industries strongly support this bill. Yes, farmers across America strongly support this bill. Yes, this bill is key to spreading the Internet across China. That is all great. But the real story is that leading human rights activists, democratic reformers and religious leaders in China support permanent normal trade relations and China entering the World Trade Organization. Mr. Speaker, China is in the midst of great and dynamic change; and free market reform is the primary engine pushing that change. In fact, market reform is the single most powerful force for positive change in the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization…Mr. Speaker, supporters of trade with China, those of us who are supporters are not fools. We know that there are huge problems in China, and we do not ignore those problems. China is a country of 1.3 billion people with, as I said, 5,000 years of history dominated by both poverty and repression. Freedom and prosperity will not come to China overnight, or in a year or two. But if we stand for trade, if we stand for trade, we stand with Martin Lee, the leading democracy activist in Hong Kong, with Chen Shui-bian, the newly-elected president of Taiwan, who, the morning after he was elected, said one of the top priorities is China’s accession to the World Trade Organization.Billy Graham, who has not injected himself into this debate, other than to say that he believes that communication with China and openness is very important for us. Colin Powell, who just yesterday talked about the importance of this with Governor George W. Bush; Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board; and, of course, former Presidents George Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Gerald Ford; as well as Ren Wanding, who is leader of China’s 1978 Democracy Wall Movement in China; and a host of other Chinese human rights activists. People like Wei Jinhsheng, who for 7 years was imprisoned following the Tiananmen Square protests, people like this have come forward and said this is a very important thing to do.So when we vote yes on permanent normal trade relations today, Mr. Speaker, we will be standing with winners. We stand with the people that will win in today’s debate. We stand with the people that will win with this very important, but most important, Mr. Speaker, we stand with the winning tide of history that is slowly lifting the people of China from the depth of poverty and repression into the community of nations based on freedom and human dignity.[Source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2WnW3u7;CONGRESS.GOV bit.ly/30DdaaG]

那邊廂,民主黨議員David Price則形容,北卡羅萊納州對開放中國市場獲益非淺,但他和同儕絕非見利忘義之徒,並無忽略各種人權政治議題。正如香港人權領袖民主黨主席李柱銘所言,協助中國加入世貿有助促進其法治,西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛也說過,孫立中國無助改善國內民主改革:

Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of permanent normal trade relations with China. The economic benefits are undeniable for our country and are particularly favorable for my region and my State. North Carolina has much to gain from opening and expanding markets in China, currently our 13th largest export market and the consumer of over $300 million in North Carolina goods and services annually. The commodities of goods involved range from pork and poultry and soybeans to furniture, communications equipment, software and computers — very broad economic benefits indeed.But this debate, Mr. Speaker, is not just about trade. I have not heard any proponent suggest that we should turn a blind eye to human rights and political problems in China in the name of commerce. Nor is this legislation a blessing of China’s past and current behavior, no matter how often the opponents of the bill might repeat it. On the contrary, the point is to bring China within a framework that will provide powerful incentives and constraints to play by the rules, both in the realm of trade and beyond. As China moves further into the world economy, we need to be clear-eyed about our future with China. We must continue to press on human rights and religious freedom and the self-determination of Taiwan, the freedom of Tibet, nuclear proliferation, and espionage. Isolating China economically will do more harm than good in all of these areas.Martin Lee, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Hong Kong and a human rights leader has said: “The participation of China in the WTO would not only have economic and political benefits but would serve to bolster those in China who understand that the country must embrace the rule of law.”… To him, the agreement “represents the best long-term hope for China to become a member of good standing in the international community. We fear that should ratification fail, any hope for political and legal reform process would also recede…” Taiwan supports China’s entry into the WTO. And the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, has said, “Joining the WTO, I think, is one way (for China) to change in the right direction . . . I have always stressed that China should not be isolated. China must be brought into the mainstream of the world community . . . Forces of democracy in China get more encouragement through that way.”
1998年7月3日,克林頓總統訪港期間與香港民主黨主席李柱銘會面20分鐘。李柱銘表示二人討論了加快香港民主步伐和中國民主改革等議題。 [Source: AP Archive bit.ly/2W2Q92u]
2000年5月初,美國國會正就給予中國永久正常貿易關係議題爭持不下,香港民主黨李柱銘赴美先後會見美國總統克林頓、國務卿奧爾布賴特和30位國會議員。李柱銘說,通過給予PNTR有助中國加入世貿,為12億民眾帶來好處。[Source: AP Archive bit.ly/2Wog9V3]


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