[文獻] 港人口頭意見(1982):租約限期問題,有錢有樓最驚

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3 min readJul 31, 2017

1982年中香港觀察社委託SRH訪問港人對前途看法,設計問卷前SRH在3月安排四組focus group,研究報告Management Summary輯錄了組內頗有代表性口頭意見。多數人對新界租約印象模糊,但都察覺中國有機會收回香港,認為無法影響大局,只能接受現實。


“Hong Kong gives us freedom especially in speech. thoughts….. Thus we can talk and think freely.”(G2/M/31–40/With child/$3,000+)

Hong Kong Observers(1982) Hong Kong and Its Future: Management Summary, p.15.


“I don’t find it (future of HK) that important unless I have a flat or I’m going to buy a flat for my own then I’ll seriously think about it.”(G1/M/21–30/No child/$3,000-)

“If I have decided to purchase a flat, it will become one of my considerations.”(G1/M/21–30/No child/$3,000-)

“I wouldn’t care about the lease at all. unless I’m very rich then I must think out how to reallocate my money other than Hong Kong.”(G2/M/31–40/With child/$3.000+)

“I’ve never thought of the lease in 1997, actually local people seldom pay attention to the future of Hong Kong….. I’ve paid little attention to the lease because I don’t feel that Hong Kong will be returned to China. Since China is developing her own ports such as Whampoa (黃埔) so Hong Kong will be useless …..Whether Hong Kong will be returned to China or not is unimportant, the chief thing is how Hong Kong people act in the coming years.”(G3/F/21–30/No child/$3,000+)

Hong Kong Observers(1982) Hong Kong and Its Future: Management Summary, p.16.
Hong Kong Observers(1982) Hong Kong and Its Future: Management Summary, p.17.


“I’ll be in my forties in 1997. I think I am not strong enough to go elsewhere but stay in Hong Kong. I’ll be reluctant to accept the future happenings.”(G3/F/2l-30/No child/$3,000+)

“There are many restrictions regarding the immigration policies. therefore emigration to other countries does not apply to everyone…. Future happenings are beyond my control, that’s why I never think of any precautionary measures, what I have to do is to accept whatever will happen to me.”(G3/F/21–30/No child/$3,000+)

“We cannot fore-see our future, therefore, we seldom think about it. Actually, I cannot control my future, it is out of my own control.”(G4/F/31–40/With child/$3,000-)


“I think in 1997, Hong Kong will be returned to China….. It’s impossible that Hong Kong will be returned to China as local people are unwilling to be ruled by the Peking Government….. Since I can do nothing for the future of Hong Kong, I don’t worry about it.”(G4/F/31–40/With child/$3,000-)

Source: Hong Kong Observers(1982) Hong Kong and Its Future: Management Summary

[註] 四組focus group背景如下:
G1: 21–30歲男性,單身(或已婚但未有小孩),月入三千元以下
G2: 31–40歲男性,已婚、有小孩,月入三千元以上
G3: 21–30歲女性,單身(或已婚但未有小孩),月入三千元以上
G4: 31–40歲女性,已婚、有小孩,月入三千元以下

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#世代懺悔錄 #香港前途考古 #前途談判籌碼考 #1982年 #香港觀察社 #民意調查 #新界租約 #生活方式 #SRH #SurveyResearchHongKong #民意牌 #三腳櫈

