#考古現場 013:成立廉署前夕,香港倫敦關係緊張

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2 min readNov 12, 2017






鍾士元的建議,是要英國國會在上議院留一個席位給由香港推薦的人士。這個提議,自然沒有被倫敦接受, 但也反映出香港與倫敦之間暗存張力,早有芥蒂…



鍾士元:1960年代幾單嘢就證明香港好冤枉,希望英政府談香港事務時可以聽到民意。我研究過喇,可用《終身爵位法令》(Life Peerages Act)冊封有料港人入上議院聲。西印度群島可以,香港都可以。


Occasionally, there are cases in which there are conflicting interests between Her Majesty’s Government and the Hong Kong Government. Since Hong Kong is a colony and officials in the Hong Kong Government, with greatest respect, are basically members of the UK civil service and, strictly speaking, are under directives of Whitehall. Despite all their good efforts, the voices of Hong Kong people are seldom heard within the UK Government…

Hong Kong is small by geographical area but is by no means insignificant as far as population, economic strength and size of world trade are concerned. It is desirable that the Hong Kong case should be put directly and forcibly to the Ministers in Her Majesty’s Government for their consideration and that the people in Hong Kong should have direct access to the supreme bodies in Her Majesty’s Government to voice their approval or disapproval of Her Majesty’s Government’s policy on Hong Kong. In the recent past, there were some debates on matters concerning Hong Kong in both Houses without any direct participation from Hong Kong, and there were problems and issues about Hong Kong raised in both Houses without someone from Hong Kong to put them into proper perspective…

It is therefore imperative that we should have some direct voices in Her Majesty’s Government.

Since all Members of Parliament in the Lower House are elected, it would be difficult for Hong Kong to be represented in the House of Commons and I therefore would like to see the current programme for inviting MPs to visit Hong Kong continued and expanded. However, it is understood that there are no constitutional difficulties for Hong Kong’s representation at the House of Lords. Since 1958 when the Life Peerages Act came into force, many men and women, who have been prominent in public life or have special qualifications which enable them to make a contribution to the work of the Lords, are appointed by the Crown as life peers and have taken their seats in the House of Lords. Before its independence, West Indies also had direct representation in the House of Lords. Today, there are many nominees whom Her Majesty’s Government has recommended for life peerages. It is with this background that I suggest that the Hong Kong Government consider nomination to the Crown for appointment as life peers of prominent Hong Kong people who can ably speak on our behalf in the Upper House.

— 歡迎分享,更多材料見內容導覽


#世代懺悔錄 #香港前途考古 #1960年代 #1970年代 #打造繁榮美景 #麥理浩 #葛柏事件 #廉政公署 #香港民意 #鍾士元 #上議院 #西印度群島

