#考古現場 024:香港觀察社九七民調緣起

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11 min readNov 13, 2017












Pressure Points: A Social Critique by the Hong Kong Observers(1983, 2nd edtion), 196–197:

In the past two years, the Observers have expressed great concern over the uncertainty of Hongkong’s future. The non-existence of a collective Hongkong voice when negotiations over our future start is particularly worrying.

It was this lack of a collective voice to express what Hongkongers want which prompted us to commission a poll. This survey set out

a) to ascertain the degree of public concern over the future of Hongkong;
b) to assess the acceptability of various solutions to the problem of Hongkong’s future;
c) to detail people’s plans (if they had any) in response to the suggested solutions;
d) to identify public perception of the people’s rights and their ability to influence any decision on Hongkong’s future;
e) to establish the reasons behind public attitudes to the future of Hongkong, and
f) to measure public likes and dislikes of Hongkong in general and of the government in particular…

We will be submitting a copy of our position paper, and a detailed summary of the poll’s findings, to the Chinese, British and Hongkong governments.

We sincerely hope that further discussions with and by Hongkong groups will emanate from all this. We Hongkongers need to speak in a collective voice and say what we want. The Observers see this as the only way Hongkongers’ interests can be safeguarded. The path towards our future is obscured by elliptical statements from China and Britain today. The atmosphere is confused by public speculation. China and Britain profess to have Hongkong’s interest at heart. So far, they have only heard the worried voices of the business community. How can they know what Hongkongers want when the people have not expressed their views?

Each and everyone of us has a stake in Hongkong. If we don’t speak our minds, there is a danger that our everyday interests may be overlooked. It must be right that Hongkongers should have a say about how their lives — and their children’s lives — should be structured.

To help public discussion of the issue of Hongkong’s future, we have structured our poll findings into three parts — a profile of the community, its assessment of the British administration, and the future of Hongkong. The section on “the future of Hongkong” is detailed — out of necessity. There is, for example, a good reason why — of the five solutions suggested — two were “status quo” and “remaining under British administration but under Chinese sovereignty.” China may perceive these to be one and the same thing. For Hongkongers however, the former means things continue as is, while the latter implies an agreement which has yet to be worked out between London and Peking on the future administration. It is clear what the status quo is, and everyone accepts that Hongkong is part of China. But no one knows how formal British recognition of Chinese sovereignty will translate itself in practical terms.

We also wanted to cover all possible attitudes concerning suggested solutions to the 1997 issue, hence the overlapping ofwhat was thought possible, acceptable, most likely, and what was most as well as least preferred.

Hong Kong and Its Future(1982), prepared for Hong Kong Observers Ltd. by SRH.
Hong Kong and Its Future(1982), prepared for Hong Kong Observers Ltd. by SRH.
Hong Kong and Its Future(1982), prepared for Hong Kong Observers Ltd. by SRH.
Hong Kong and Its Future(1982), prepared for Hong Kong Observers Ltd. by SRH.
Hong Kong and Its Future(1982), prepared for Hong Kong Observers Ltd. by SRH.
Hong Kong and Its Future(1982), prepared for Hong Kong Observers Ltd. by SRH.
Hong Kong and Its Future(1982), prepared for Hong Kong Observers Ltd. by SRH.
Hong Kong and Its Future(1982), prepared for Hong Kong Observers Ltd. by SRH.

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#世代懺悔錄 #香港前途考古 #前途談判序幕 #1982年 #香港觀察社 #胡紅玉 #秦家聰 #陸恭蕙 #于品海 #鄭宇碩 #吳崇文 #民意調查 #SRH #戴卓爾夫人

