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8 min readMay 24, 2019


1989年6月22日,美國眾議院人權小組就中國人權狀況舉行聽證會,眾議員John Porter與有份出席作供人士包括香港立法局議員李柱銘一同會見記者。 [圖:C-SPAN cs.pn/2Jvwn8O]


1989年6月22日美國眾議院人權小組聽證會記招 [圖:C-SPAN cs.pn/2Jvwn8O]
1989年6月22日美國眾議院人權小組聽證會記招 [圖:C-SPAN cs.pn/2Jvwn8O]
1989年6月23日《南華早報》報道,立法局議員李柱銘前往美國國會聽證會作證時,曾促請美方制裁中國,消滅恐怖政權,又指英國將550萬港人移交北京,有如把猶太人移交納粹德國,九七後香港有機會變翻版天安門。會後有香港留學生遞交簽名要求撤查六四鎮壓,並為曾於美國聲援學運的中國學生學者安排保護。眾議員John Porter亦說會推動美方提高港人移民配額。



His question to US policy-makers was whether they thought the Chinese people would rather see sanctions, which would increase the chances of a policy change in Beijing, or see life go on as if nothing had happened…“I urged them to spare a thought for those who died for democracy and human rights, for those tens of thousands of university students who are still hiding, and the millions of Chinese who yearn for democracy.”He repeated his comparison of the present Beijing regime to Nazi Germany and ended with a reference to those who died: “My sons and daughters, may you rest in peace, for though unarmed, you fought the good fight, and we, the living, will take over your fight and will not give up until your dreams of democracy, nad human rights, become a reality in China.”




那些年基本法定稿,由於文稿得英方認可,雖然美方對條文以至香港前景不無疑慮,但仍避免用強硬措辭表達想法。美國大報《紐約時報》和《華盛頓郵報》接連報道港人失望情緒,《紐時》引述立法局議員李柱銘意見說英方投降可恥,富商草委李嘉誠則說是盡力下最佳成果。 [圖:1990年2月18日《南華早報》]
《香港政策法》蘊釀期間,立法局議員李柱銘數度訪美表達香港狀況。 [圖:1990年5月1日電視訪問;source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2wanhG6]
圖:1990年5月1日美國電視訪問李柱銘;source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2wanhG6

同年5月,李再赴美會見負責東亞的助理國務卿Richard Solomon及相關官員,要求對方支持香港民主自由。美方說會密切關注,但主要希望中英合作,避免過度介入引發中方更強硬反應。


An Official said” “Internationalising Hongkong could be seen as neutralising China’s sovereignty. And that could make China dig its heels in even more.”

李柱銘原盼見美國總統但不得要領,卻見了國會精英,包括參議院共和黨領袖Robert Dole、參議員Mitch McConnell (後來法案倡議者之一)、Richard Lugar與Bill Bradley、眾議員John Porter(另一法案倡議者)與Henry Hyde、眾議院外事委員會成員Stephen Solarz等,當時眾議員Nancy Pelosi仲話遺憾錯過「與李食晏」。李柱銘又拜會傳統基金會、美中關係委員會、華盛頓記者俱樂部等團體,被《南華早報》記者褚簡寧嘲為人肉錄音機,所有場合都說同一篇稿,連開場笑話都一樣。


其後李柱銘撰文指美國要有全面香港政策確保香港國際貿易中心地位。文章被美國參議員Paul Simon引用,列入國會記錄:

Despite a strong-and growing-U.S. stake in the future of Hong Kong. the United States Government has no comprehensive policy towards the British-controlled territory, which in 1997 will revert to China… the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre and the brutal post-massacre crackdown have shattered any illusion that the interests of Hong Kong are Still in harmony with the interests of China and Great Britain. The people of Hong Kong are convinced that only a democratic legislature can preserve the autonomy and freedoms guaranteed under the Joint Declaration…

Paul Simon強調,美方再不出手,其利益就會受損:

The United States must end its charade that Britain and China will act to protect Hong Kong’s interests. The 62,000 people who will emigrate from Hong Kong this year and the hundreds of thousands who plan to emigrate before 1997 do not share this belief. The U.S., instead, must enact a forward-looking policy now. For if the outflow of people and capital continues to increase, Hong Kong will face a crisis long before 1997, and any such crisis will gravely damage U.S. interests… the central aspect of the policy is the demand that China fully adhere to the terms of the 1984 Joint Declaration. in doing so, the United States would explicitly reaffirm its recognition of Chinese sovereignty over Hong Kong after 1997… Yet, it demands that China resume sovereignty under the terms it promised in a binding international agreement…
Congressional Record- Senate (June 11, 1991)

那段時期,美國國會一直爭論中國最惠國待遇問題,李柱銘雖得美國港僑組織和眾議員Nancy Pelosi支持,但處境尷尬。台灣學人林碧雲指出,香港民主派和商界接連訪美遊說,兩方都「代表香港」卻向美方傳遞矛盾信息:民主派期望美方用經濟壓力迫使中國給予香港民主人權;港府和港商則呼籲美方不要損害中國生意和香港利益。結果在這前題下,民主派亦不敢「去得太盡」。

1991年3月28日《南華早報》報道,美國漢學家Nicholas Lardy警告,撤銷中國最惠國待遇(MFN)將令中共強硬派得勢,損害改革和貿易發展。當時波斯灣戰爭剛結束,中國向中東軍售成為敏感議題,但Nicholas Lardy說很難判斷這對續予中國MFN的影響有多大。


1991年11月初,李柱銘接連訪問英、美,爭取支持香港之民主…反對中共政權相當激烈的眾議員裴洛西也力挺李柱銘…在眾議院聽證會上說,美國 — 香港政策法」是重要的,因為該法對「聯合聲明」中的「一國兩制」嚴格詮釋,確認美國對香港和中國大陸分開地處理外交和經濟關係,鼓勵香港的自主,並對港人提供一些保護。又說,「由於中國政府人權紀錄可悲,數以千計民主人士仍陷囹圄,國會應迫切地支持那些要求民主的香港人士,尤其李柱銘等民主派,他們在1997年以後可能會被鎮壓。」…1990–92年間,國會中熱烈討論的還有中國大陸的最惠國待遇議題。一般說來,支持中國大陸和香港的人權與民主的議員是反對續予中國大陸最惠國待遇或主張附加條件的。因此香港民主派人士面對兩難。一方面,他們企圖利用美國的經濟槓桿(附加條件的最息國待遇)來迫使北京在處理國內事務和對港關係時更加開明。另一方面他們又害怕,支持這類措施將傷害香港經濟和香港市民。大多數香港市民都很清楚一個貧窮的、不安定的中國大陸將始終對香港這塊彈丸之地構成威脅,大陸的形勢越糟糕,香港的情況也就越壞。因此,在1990年以後的幾次訪美行程中,李柱銘皆明確地表示反對取消最惠國待遇。李柱銘等民主派人士遊說對象主要是媒體、持同情態度的國會議員和其幕僚、人權組織,遊說重點集中在香港的民主;但是港府和香港商界則多向美國商界、行政部門和關心貿易的國會議員提出無條件延長中國大陸最惠國待遇之訴求。結果是美國人搞不清香港究竟想要什麼,誰是它的真正代言人。此種現實,最終促使華府採取比較周全(thoughtful)、精細的(nuanced)政策反應。這種政策反應在「美國 — 香港政策法」中…

美國學者David Lampton引述港府高官說話,形容《香港政策法》來得剛剛好,「打還打唔好打臉」,緩和了國會反華情緒,令中國保住最惠國待遇。


李柱銘(香港民主同盟即後來的香港民主黨的主席)孜孜不倦地爭取美國國會的支援,尤其是拉攏參議院外交委員會的委員及其助手班子,還有米奇‧麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)參議員…香港民主團體內部的力量,促成了《1992年美國對香港政策法案》中發揮了不小的作用…然而,在此同時,李柱銘卻擔心,美國國會在熱情支援香港的民主和香港地區及中國大陸的人權之時,可能會取消對北京的最惠國待遇,從而傷害香港的經濟和香港市民。在1990年以後的幾次訪美行程中,李柱銘明確地表示,取消最惠國待遇不受已經憂心仲仲的香港市民包括許多民主活躍分子的歡迎…在天安門鎮壓事件之後…倫敦和香港政府都覺得,如果沒有《美國對香港政策法案》來安撫怒氣沖沖的美國國會議員的話,那麼,美國國會取消最惠國待遇的幾率將會增加,而在他們看來,取消最惠國待遇是一個糟糕得多的選擇…一位最高級的港府官員…對我描述了這項發揮微妙平衡作用的法案:「(這項法案)用意很好,也是需要的。我們不想看到最惠國待遇被取消。(在這項法案上)我們的公開立場是,這是美國的事情。在私下裡,我們有些著急…中國人要我們在美國國會裡進行干預,反對這項法案。採取在華府公開反對這項法案的立場,會損害我們(延長)最惠國待遇問題上的利益」。
1991年9月18日,共和黨參議員Mitch McConnell首度在國會提出制訂關於美國與香港未來關係的政策。 [source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2YDLVLe]


民主黨美屬薩摩亞代表Eni Faleomavaega:

First, the bill makes explicit what is implicit regarding United States relation with Hong Kong once sovereignty over the territory reverts to China in 1997…Second, the bill constructs a bridge across the 1997 divide, so that, where appropriate, United States laws that are currently being applied to Hong Kong may continue to apply after reversion, and international agreements to which the United States and Hong Kong are parties may continue in force… Third, and most importantly, the bill expresses a political commitment that the Government and people of the United States Will remain concerned about the welfare and well-being of the people of Hong Kong. Because of the admiration Americans have for the accomplishments of the people of Hong Kong, and because of the many ways in which the residents of Hong Kong have enriched our country, It is natural that we will remain concerned about their fate and future.
民主黨美屬薩摩亞代表Eni Faleomavaega [source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2YKkfEv]
1992年8月11日,外交委員會所修訂的《香港政策法》法案在眾議院進行全體辯論。圖為主持該次辯論的民主黨參議員Michael McNulty。 [source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2YKkfEv]

外交委員會副主席William Broomfield:

Hong Kong is one of our key trading partners, a major target for United States investment, and the base for more than 900 American firms doing business in the region. It is also the gateway for United States business into the growing economy of southern China. But while much of the world moves toward greater democracy and market economies, Hong Kong could be forced to move in the opposite direction in 1997. This concern arises because on July 1, 1997, Hong Kong will go from colonial British rule to Chinese sovereignty. Under the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, Hong Kong is supposed to be administered as a special administrative region. Its economic structure and the fundamental rights of its people are guaranteed for 50 years.This bill supports the continuation, within the context of the Joint Agreement, of the many ties — from commercial and transportation arrangements to cultural and educational exchanges — between the United States and Hong Kong. The bill also restates the United States laws and international agreements that apply to Hong Kong, and establishes the conditions for maintaining them. These measures will help build confidence in Hong Kong and help its people maintain their political freedoms and human rights.
外交委員會副主席William Broomfield [source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2YKkfEv]

呼應參議員Mitch McConnell的1731法案,在眾議院引入香港政策法案H.R.3522的議員John Porter以例證概述法案的具體意義:

In the past, questions regarding Hong Kong have usually been considered in the context of a broader policy toward China or Southeast Asia. Today, however, the impending transfer of Hong Kong’s sovereignty to China in 1997 and the substantial and growing economic links between the United States and Hong Kong have led to a greater understanding of Hong Kong’s importance to the United States in its own right…It has become apparent to me, however, that the guarantees of autonomy for Hong Kong are meaningless unless other nations step forward and amend their laws to allow for continued bilateral relations with Hong Kong after the Chinese resume sovereignty. Under current United States law, Hong Kong will be treated as a unified part of China after 1997 and the provisions of the Joint Declaration win be meaningless in the context of the United States-Hong Kong relationship.For example, if Congress takes no action, Hong Kong would be treated as part of China for the purposes of export controls. In practical terms, this means that Hong Kong, one of Asia’s largest and most advanced banking entities, would not have access to the state-of-the-art American-made supercomputers they need to continue to serve business in Hong Kong, including American business, because under our law these computers are not made available to China. Also, under current law Hong Kong would be treated as part of mainland China for purposes of trade quotas. This bill allows the United States Customs Service to give Hong Kong separate status and recognize Hong Kong certificates of origin after 1997.The list goes on and on. Without a change in United States law, it is unclear whether the United States could recognize Hong Kong passports or visas. Although Hong Kong holds membership in GATT, it is unclear whether the United States could give Hong Kong and China different MFN status after 1997 without this change in United States law…I introduced this legislation because I believe that the United States has a very real, legitimate, and growing interest in the future of Hong Kong and must be pro-active in protecting its interests. H.R. 3522 is based on the premise that Hong Kong will be allowed to exercise a high degree of autonomy after 1997. In order to exercise this autonomy in the context of a bilateral relationship with the United States, United States law must be altered to recognize Hong Kong’s unique status. Specifically, this bill recognizes that… Congress welcomes implementation of the one country, two systems policy under which Hong Kong will retain its current lifestyle, and legal, social, and economic systems until at least the year 2047… This bill also contains provisions requiring that reports submitted to Congress on a country-by-country basis contain a separate subreport for Hong Kong under the heading of the state that exercises sovereignty over Hong Kong.
引入香港政策法案的眾議員John Porter [source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2YKkfEv]
美國國會參眾兩院提出《香港政策法》監管香港人權與自治情況並保障美方在港營商環境,原本要求美國當局監察中國對香港的行為,幾經國會辯論修訂適度「減辣」,終於獲布殊總統簽署生效。 [圖:1992年10月7日《信報》]
當年 美國國會一片制裁浪潮,參眾兩院分別通過制裁中國議案,參議院更要求布殊政府採取更嚴厲措施,包括押後對華出口、反對對華貸款、檢討中國最惠國待遇和其他貿易科技合作協議。白宮發言人回應說布殊早前宣佈的制裁已足夠。[圖:1989年7月16日《新報》]
當時布殊政府傾向有限度回應屠殺事件。 1989年11月23日《南華早報》引述美國高層官員講法,認為美方無角色介入九七後中港政治。報道形容,華府這不干預政策與國會並智庫的進取態度大相逕庭。參眾兩院都通過議案促請布殊政府向中英雙方申明支持香港民主發展。華府官員認為,目前對中國制裁足以反映國會和民眾對屠殺的憤怒,但若再加碼就恐怕刺激中國更反彈。中國已經知錯,應該俾空間領導人鄧小平想辦法拆解問題:”We think the Chinese leadership understands, even though they’re not going to say it, they’ve made an enormous mistake and are paying a tremendous price. We see Deng Xiaoping trying to turn things around and in our view the sanctions don’t help in that process.”
1990年初,中共宣佈北京解嚴向美國示好,但美國國務院人權報告形容中國人權急劇惡化,引起中國外交部反彈。白宮發言人強調,布殊總統仍會積極與中國做朋友以改善人權狀況。 [圖:《香港政經周刊》第12期(1990年2月24日)頁12。]
那些年,布殊總統簽署《香港政策法》,中美貿易劍拔弩張,雙方就貿易法301條款談判,被視為剎停貿易戰最後機會。美方要求中方限期內減少進口障礙,否則會對大陸輸美商品徵收懲罰關稅,中方揚言若美方制裁也會相應報復。 [圖:1992年10月7日《東方日報》]
那些年,布殊總統簽署《香港政策法》,中美就貿易問題展開301談判,美國當局同時正式起訴中國國企非法轉運紡織品進美國。案情指,中國公司為逃避美國入口配額限制,不惜透過巴基斯坦、馬來西亞、台灣、巴拿馬及洪都拉斯轉運其製品到美國,又偽造文件誤導美國海關人員,有關公司直屬中國外經貿部。香港紡織商代表唐英年回應說,若中國做法是有意就值得正視,若無意則是被冤枉。 [圖:1992年10月7日《星島日報》]
1992年10月10日《南華早報》報道,布殊總統簽署《香港政策法》不久,港府即調派更高級官員赴美,資深政務官銓敘司屈珩(Barrie Wiggham)獲委任為駐華盛頓經濟及貿易事務公使。眾議員John Porter認為時機剛剛好,在中美糾紛裡,港府高官比中國大使更能代表香港利益。屈珩的調任,為港府就中國最惠國待遇的下一輪遊說埋下伏筆。


Nancy Tucker(1995)《不確定的友情:台灣、香港與美國1945–1992》400:

《香港政策法》蘊釀期間,立法局議員李柱銘數度訪美表達香港狀況。1991年港同盟大勝直選後,李柱銘以香港立法局最大黨黨魁身份受傳媒訪問。 [圖:1991年11月7日電視訪問;source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2WZPOKh]
[圖:1991年11月7日美國電視訪問李柱銘;source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2WZPOKh]
[圖:1991年11月7日美國電視訪問李柱銘;source: C-SPAN cs.pn/2WZPOKh]


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