Had I Said No to an Eighty-Year-Old, I Would Never Have Created This Low Maintenance Indoor Bay Window Garden

Vibrant Indoor Plants Prompt

Lalitha Brahma


Baywindow garden picture captured by author Lalitha Brahma

I am realizing that a gap in writing and especially a gap in participation in “Prompts’ can slow down my thought process.

I got the following Notification

“Sahil Patel mentioned you in a story

The Beauty of Vibrant Indoor Plants”

I immediately clicked to see why my name is mentioned. I realized that I am being offered to participate in writing for the following Prompt

“Write about the benefits of indoor plants, the different types of indoor plants available, and how to care for them to ensure they thrive in your indoor space. Share a tale of experience related to indoor plants.”

Why did I start growing plants?

I invited eighty-year-old lady Mary, the neighbor across the street for tea at my place, twenty years ago. As she was looking at my kitchen Bay window, she said

“Lalitha you don’t have any plants. I…

