Love | Life | Relationships

Love is in the Care of Those Around Us

But it also starts with self

Bernie Pullen
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2022


Self love with a hanging swing
Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

I don’t know if you have this problem, my reading lists seem to grow beyond my control at times, I want to read everything! But now I have found an additional way to put into use those long reading lists created, with this new pub Reciprocal. All that reading is certainly coming in handy, with the chance to also uplift those writers who wrote all those fantastic stories I have had the privilege to read.

I thought I’d start my first post, as this week has been all about love, so in keeping with this theme, let’s spare a moment for the different types of love.

Stories of Love and Writers who wrote them

I have been fortunate to have experienced the love of being a grandparent, but sadly to also to have lost a parent, so I totally understood the sentiments of Janet Meisel story “Losing Yourself as Both Ends”. This was a capturing read, about the love she has for her grandsons who have ruled her heart since they were born. She talks of how autism creates additional challenges for them. She brings us to the other end of life and talks of the love and care she gives to her elderly mother aged 96, returning the gift of love to her. Love on both ends. Within this…



Bernie Pullen

Life experiences intrigue me. Parenting| bereavement|memoir,|travel writer. I’m a coffee lover, I keep grounded by walking in nature, Tai Chi, and Yoga.