The birth of Recúbica\

Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2020

This article is the translation of the original “El nacimiento de Recúbica\

When setting up a company (something I have done several times over the past 20 years), it is always difficult to say what the actual date of birth is. We usually use the legal constitution date to celebrate anniversaries, but the truth is that it is only one more milestone in a process that goes back months (and even years).

Today I’m inaugurating this space (Medium) to talk about Recúbica\, the new company that I have created, together with Marcos Morales and César Covarrubias, and in which we have been working during the past months.

It was legally constituted only a few weeks ago, but Recúbica\ can be considered both a newborn company and quite an experienced organization. We wanted to add our more than 60 years of joint experience to rethink the way in which organizations consider their strategy

Our vision is based on the idea that current consulting is not able to respond to the challenges that most organizations are facing nowadays: a liquid modern world, with shorter cycles and a reality that is no longer able to differentiate between digital and physical. A multi-speed society, in which to visualize the possible futures that await us becomes indispensable to design relevant strategies.

Precisely, the word “relevant” has been one of the key elements in Recúbica\’s vision: we believe that relevant strategies are needed for the business, for organizations, for their employees and for society, not only the one we have today, especially the one that is yet to come.

We need relevant strategies that adapt to organizations that we are making more and are more agile, because there is no point in changing the operational methodologies if the way in which the strategy is proposed does not change.

We need relevant strategies capable of changing cultures and of introducing innovation in the DNA of the entire organization, strategies with a real impact in the transformation of companies.

We need to reinvent the way in which organizations, from the smallest to the largest, relate to each other, because only together will they be able to face their future challenges

We need to reinvent the way in which organizations relate to society and to people, because their sustainability will depend on these relationships being honest and conscious.

We need, in short, strategies that help us travel the path to more relevant and sustainable futures.

From Recúbica\ we want to fill this gap, so that we can help our clients to define their strategies, both business, new products or services, digital channels and, of course, their innovation strategy.

Therefore, this introduction also serves as an invitation to share ideas and explore new ground. This presentation of Recúbica\ is more emotional than formal; soon we will start to share our vision and methodology in a more organized way. We firmly believe that reinventing ourselves is everyone’s business, and the road ahead will be written together.

For now we’re beginning little by little through different channels: now our website is just a landing, and our social networks are still empty (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), but soon you will start reading and getting to know us better. Anyone in eager to know more, can contact us directly, and we will be happy to tell you in detail what we do.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you from my heart for the help of all the people who have directly or indirectly made it possible for this day to come.

See you along the way,




We firmly believe that relevant people and ideas are the key to navigate through whatever lies ahead with greater success.