A Long Overdue Update

Dale E. Lehman
Red Tales
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2 min readJan 10, 2023


I totally forgot about this newsletter over the past year. I guess I owe you an update.

First — some of you may already know this — 2022 was derailed shortly after it started as Kathleen, my wife of 45 years, grew increasingly ill and passed away on June 27th. That explains pretty much everything: how little I’ve written, how little I’ve published on Medium, how long it’s been since the last edition of this newsletter.

I’m slowly getting my life back together, although I still don’t know what it will look like once it is. That said, I have published several Medium pieces now.

First, I offered a 2022 retrospective and tribute to Kathleen.

Second, I managed two pieces for The Writing Cooperative, which may interest the writers in the audience: The Right Way to Read Your Reviews and Typesetting for the Self-Published.

Third, I published two new fiction pieces today: Miraculous Morgan (in Lit Up) and the flash fiction tale Need for Speed (here in Red Tales).

Finally, I have a couple of new books out in the world (well, relatively new): A Day for Bones (Howard County Mystery #4) and Found by the Road (my second short story collection).

I noticed today that all through this difficult time I left submissions to the Red Tales publication open. Nobody submitted anything, thank goodness, but I see no reason to close it now. So if you’re a writer and have something that fits my guidelines, feel free to submit.

That’s it for now. I don’t know when I’ll do another Red Tales newsletter. With luck it will be sooner than another year.



Dale E. Lehman
Red Tales

Award-winning author of mysteries, science fiction, humor, and more. See my freebies for readers and writers at https://www.daleelehman.com/free-ebook-offer.