Warming Up

Dale E. Lehman
Red Tales
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2 min readMar 14, 2021


Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash

It’s been a long winter. COVID-19 stayed with us, of course. My job vanished in a puff of government funding cuts. I quickly found a new one, but it took a couple of months to sort out the paperwork, so I only started last week. And I haven’t been writing much.

Ironically, being at home all those months made it harder to find writing time. Now that I’m in an office again, maybe things will revert to something like normal. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed telecommuting. It just didn’t result in more stories. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Fortunately, I have a few new ones to share with you, in case you missed them. I conceived a new series of flash fiction stories called Too Tall Tales. That page describes the concept and its origins, plus provides an index of the stories so far published.

I would love to include suitable stories by other authors, too, so if you have a “too tall tale” to tell, write it up and submit it to me. Please review my submission guidelines first, though, to make sure you are Red Tales-compatible.

Also, please share Red Tales with others. I’m still a very tiny, one-man operation with very few followers, so I need all the help I can get in spreading the word. Thank you for following and reading. Have a wonderful Spring. I’ll see you again when I have a chance to drop by.

— Dale



Dale E. Lehman
Red Tales

Award-winning author of mysteries, science fiction, humor, and more. See my freebies for readers and writers at https://www.daleelehman.com/free-ebook-offer.