Wrapping up: Redbubble’s latest intern program comes to a close

Ashley Foster
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2019

Well that’s it! The Redbubble summer intern program in Melbourne has come to an end. We’re so proud of our class, the impact they have made and the strong connections that were forged during their time as part of the team.

This program gives so much back to our teams; a chance to hone their mentoring skills, practice at explaining complex technical scenarios in a simple way, the ability to work with people from all different skill levels and educational backgrounds. All of these opportunities bring our teams one step closer to realising our ultimate dream of equitable and balanced teams.

And on the flip side the interns get exposure to wide variety of people, work flows, platforms, languages, rituals and behaviours. This exposure really helps to solidify their passion and curiosity in the tech worlds and can be exactly what is needed to confidently pursue this as a career.

We are so very proud of all of the engineering and design interns who joined us this summer, and the managers and mentors who gave so much of themselves throughout this experience

We wanted to wrap things up on a lighter note, given that the end of a program like this is actually a little heavy on the heart. So here are some gifs that describe life at Redbubble, as seen through the eyes of our recent intern cohort…

Last but certainly not least, congratulations to Georgie and Medha who have joined the team as full time Software Engineers! Keep an eye out for content from them about their journey so far.

Be sure to check out parts 1 and 2 of this series to meet the interns and hear insights from our leaders on what makes and breaks a program like this.

If you are interested in being a part of our 2019–20 internship program, watch out for our application process to come out in the coming months and follow us on LinkedIn and Medium for the latest!



Ashley Foster

Enthusiastic home chef. People Success Co-Ordinator. Supporter of Artists.