Go to Reevaluation of Values
Reevaluation of Values
Let’s use COVID as opportunity ignite the fire for intellectual activity. Now is the best time to re-engage with the pursuit of knowledge on a global scale.
Note from the editor

Let’s use COVID as opportunity ignite the fire for intellectual activity. Now is the best time to re-engage with the pursuit of knowledge on a global scale.

Go to the profile of D Smitty
D Smitty
I am a political scientist, specializing in public policy. I graduated from the University of Denver in Fall of 2015, with a Mast of Public Policy (MPP) degree.
Go to the profile of D Smitty
D Smitty
I am a political scientist, specializing in public policy. I graduated from the University of Denver in Fall of 2015, with a Mast of Public Policy (MPP) degree.