This Week’s Stories to Refresh The Soul

Thought-provoking stories that make you reflect

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Refresh the Soul
Published in
5 min readJul 7, 2024


Image Created by Nancy Blackman in Canva—tweaked by Vidya Sury

How did your week go? Mine has been a bit of a roller coaster ride, with visits to the dentist—not for me but for my husband, which is somehow more worrisome. Then I had some troubleshooting to do around the house.

Even as we’re nervous and anxious about upcoming dental visits that involve tooth extractions, implants, bridges, and crowns, tax season is upon us, and we need to file this month.

I had some ups and downs with my health. I have type 2 diabetes and am working on its remission. It was alarming to see the blood sugar fluctuations, but I had to see the silver lining: meds have been reduced, and the diet regimen changed.

The one thing I kept saying to myself was: this too shall pass. Nothing is permanent.

Another silver lining to focus on was the wonderful stories we read this week. Here they are to delight you and help you reflect.

The stories that refreshed our souls

Diana C. shares a vulnerable story about her dad. Please read it with a box of tissues. Join me in giving her a warm welcome to Refresh The Soul.

Forgiveness is something we all try to achieve, and ultimately, it’s something we all want to be able to offer to those around us. I don’t know where I stand on that at the moment. What I do know is that while her actions may have stolen precious time with my grandfather, they don’t define me.

Bear Kosik's wonderful response to the past week’s writing prompt about how culture, faith, and traditions have shaped us led me to Google his name—and what a delightful rabbit hole that was!

I was given the freedom to pursue interests, rules to guide social interactions, and lessons to live independently.

Inspired by Nancy Blackman’s post, The Pages of Life in an Unfinished Book, Soul Dancer, Soul University offers his poem tracing the journey of a seed into a sapling.

Marco Breuer talks about understanding the benefits of confronting your mortality to dissolve the ego and find compassion.

…what happens when you become more connected? More and more love will come to you. I no longer consider people bad, even if they judge or offend me. The result is compassion that rises from the depth of my being. One may argue that this is the death of the ego, but I think it’s just a shift into consciousness.

Sarah Kyomugisha explores why there is no answer to the why.

I know I might not find the answers soon; there’s no guarantee that I will ever find them, and that’s okay. What frightens me and makes me feel uneasy is if, one day, I stop asking why for a non-existent answer.

Adventurous Soul Earthside is delving deep into the depths of “I love you” on a road trip.

The road trip gave me heaps of time to consider my relationship with love and how I express it. I thought about the people I love and how I convey my feelings to them, or how I don’t, because I can sometimes be a big scaredy cat if those feelings are big emotions!

Tiffany Meredith has uncovered the secret to overcoming anxiety the natural way.

When I realized my anxiety was possibly due to genetics, I didn’t need a test to confirm it. My lifelong struggle led me to make a transformative decision that ushered me into the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Meanwhile, Coral Brune ________medium.com will tell you how to make health fun and exciting. It is easier than you think!

My main health regimens are fresh, healthy food, Vitamin C, Omega 3’s, plenty of water, consuming enough protein, and meditating a little each day. It’s enjoyable; there is no pressure.

Did you see our inspiring writing prompts?

Write for Refresh The Soul

Here are the guidelines.

By the way, we’ve started a new community-building guideline where we request our writers to tag another writer and a link to their story, with a couple of lines mentioning why they enjoyed that story. We are thankful that this guideline is being adopted.

Here is a list of our previous weekly picks

Weekly Picks to Refresh The Soul

9 stories

Your affirmation for the week

I am surrounded by love, and as I share love in the world, I attract more love and loving experiences.

Quote for the week

A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. There is nothing more satisfying than that sense of being completely “at home” in your own skin. When you achieve that as a natural state of “being”, then you can finally look beyond yourself and fully contribute all your talents to the world — Mark Twain

Created by Vidya Sury ©

Have a great one!

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Refresh the Soul

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts https://vidyasury.com