Go to regenerative.global
regenerative.global is a transformative learning consultancy based in London & New York founded by Graham Brown-Martin and William Rankin
Note from the editor

regenerative.global is a transformative learning consultancy based in London & New York founded by Graham Brown-Martin and William Rankin

Go to the profile of Graham Brown-Martin
Graham Brown-Martin
Strategic Insight & Leadership Coaching : Society, Innovation & Education http://grahambrownmartin.com
Go to the profile of William Rankin
William Rankin
Former university professor; learning designer who works to improve access, humanity & agency, replacing the Taylorite education factory… www.unfoldlearning.net
Go to the profile of Graham Brown-Martin
Graham Brown-Martin
Strategic Insight & Leadership Coaching : Society, Innovation & Education http://grahambrownmartin.com
Go to the profile of William Rankin
William Rankin
Former university professor; learning designer who works to improve access, humanity & agency, replacing the Taylorite education factory… www.unfoldlearning.net