Rehive Hackathon | New York 08/07/2018

30 hours | 12 projects | 2 winners

Rehive blog
5 min readJul 10, 2018


Congratulations to all participants and thank you for sharing your ideas, talents, knowledge and energy! We had an awesome time getting to know you and hope to see you at future events. For upcoming events subscribe here and join the community to stay connected with Rehive.

The quality of the projects this past weekend was exceptional and we’re looking forward to seeing some of these projects competing in the Rehive Fintech Challenge and taking it to the next level.

This event kicked off the New York community with a bang. We’re looking forward to the next event in August and will soon release available positions for local community managers to help with marketing and organizing.

Pop up sponsor

Big thank you to the sponsors!

Rise provided the beautiful New York venue and friendly staff and Stellar for doing a lumen giveaway to all the participants that successfully presented a project.

Stellar is a platform that connects banks, payments systems, and people.

Rehive hackathons are great way to prepare for participation in the Stellar Build Challenge which is an ongoing program to reward innovation and development in the Stellar ecosystem.

Rehive is looking forward to helping teams integrate the Rehive Stellar Service to interface with the Stellar blockchain. Feel free to message us on Slack if you have any questions or need help.


It was really difficult selecting the winning projects. The judging criteria focused on: product, tech and pitch. In the end it was a close call whereby the judges had to decide which projects are most likely to succeed in the real world today.

(1) HoneyComb | Perform advanced analytics on data by simply talking to it.

  • Prize money: $1,000.00 in lumens
  • Team: Bryan Knouse

Cleansing, analyzing, and representing financial data is a challenging and time consuming process. Honeycomb interprets voice inputs and produces useful reports. Bryan impressed the judges by demoing and verbally asking HoneyComb to graph example datasets, such as:

“Of all total outstanding real estate loans and given the recent trend, can you predict how many total outstanding loans we can expect for Q4 2018?”

(2) Tabulate | Tabulate replaces your cheque with an app. It is a virtual tab between merchants and clients.

  • Prize money: $1,000.00
  • Team: David Margolin, Sheany Xin Yuan, David Honick, Shao Q (Eric) Hu

Tabulate is a mobile payments app for opening, tracking and closing tabs to improve service operations for bars and restaurants. Their demo was well executed as it featured a live order on their consumer mobile app as well as a merchant screen to view and close tabs.

At first glance it sounds like one of those ideas that have been tried before, but doesn’t work when you’re out partying with your friends. However, Tabulate really unlocked a few unique value adds that would be interesting to validate in the real world:

For consumers:

  • Order drinks from your phone. Reduce waiting times.
  • Track your tab, instead of blindly raking up a huge bill.
  • No risk of forgetting or losing your credit card.
  • Special option to order an Uber after closing your tab.

For merchants:

  • Track customer life time value.
  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Improve tab management.

Featured projects

Rehive loves cool logos! Kudos to KruKart for self nominating the best logo on the day ;-)

Papaya | Meter based payments in bitcoin for informal jobs.

Key features:

  • Meter based payments.
  • Rating system for both employers and workers.
  • Bitcoin payments only.

Minima | Employee budget management.

Key features:

  • Setup budget for specific catergories.
  • Setup budget for total allowance.
  • Track spending.

Smile Pay | Payments using facial recognition.

Key features:

  • Facial recognition.
  • Suggests recommendations based on previous orders.

Docklist | Decentralized incentive scheme for contributing and evaluating content

Key features:

  • Create a post or poll.
  • Contribute to post or poll.
  • Earn, while finding a consensus.

Taxperts | Yuuki, your personal tax filing assistant.

Key features:

  • Text a help line.
  • Follow step by step tax questionnaire via text.
  • Generates a pre filled tax document.

Stellar World | Visualization of the Stellar network on a global 3D map.

Key features:

  • Awesome 3D geo map
  • Live Stellar network data

CollabTrade | Social trading

Key features:

  • Trades are only completed if everyone in the group confirms trade.

Thank you once again to all the participants and sponsors! Looking forward to seeing you at the next events and growing the fintech community together!

