Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2017

Hey Re-inventors!

If this is my first post that you are reading I would suggest you to go read this post first, by clicking on the image;

In my previous post I mention how I am going to basically level up my life and my mindset to take it to a new level by doing things that I have avoided for a long time.

If you are also in the same position, then please go and execute on your dreams and goals right away because guess what? Time is finite.

“The activity that you’re most avoiding contains your biggest opportunity” — Robin Sharma Tweet this

So, what exactly am I going to do with this series? This is what I am going to do:

Redefine what working hard means to me and improve my work ethic

→ Make subtle but influential changes in different areas of my life : My workouts, my relationships and my work.

→ I will share all of my day with you guys (As is said in my last post, I will be completely vulnerable and authentic), each and every minute

→ I will show my insecurities along with the things that I do wrong, by analysing and introspecting at the end of the day as I write this post.

Here’s my day

5:15 : Wake up

5:30 : Work related to my Medium Blog

7:15 : Take a bath and get dressed for college class

7:40 : Breakfast

7:50 : Leave for class

11:50 : Come back from class

12:00 : Change and get back to work

12:25 to 12:35 : Phone call from a friend(Not work related, so yeah, I wasted around 5–10 minutes here)

1:20 : Have lunch

1:35 : Get back to work( Learning to code in python)

3:00 : Leave for the Gym

4:15 : Come back, take a shower, have my post workout meal

4:30 : Back to work

6:52 : Break

7:12 : Back to work

9:00 : Dinner

9:15 to 9:35 : Work

9:35 to 10:00 : Call Grandma and Dad

10:00 : Sleep


On the face off it, the day was really good and productive according to me

I woke up feeling tired but I was thankful that I got a good 7 hour sleep and so it was just sleep inertia

After that I went for the class (which I really wanted to skip). During the class, the teacher was late when the subject changed and that irritated me as I knew that if he comes late, he would end the class late. Besides, I was thinking about the work that I could have done by not going to the class.

Fortunately, the teacher ended the class on time and I immediately came back home, changed and sat at my desk.

As you must have read above, I got a call from a friend that I could not miss, but yeah it was some random shit.

After working for some time I went for lunch and the main struggle began after that.

Meaning, after lunch, I really started to feel sleepy and could not focus properly. I convinced myself that I have to work for only 1.5 hours.

Though I fell asleep for 5 minutes on my chair, I could work till 3:00.

Then it was the time for my workout. As I promised to myself, I gave my 100%. Did my abs and my stretching along with Back and Shoulders; I would say, I SMASHED IT!

But then, I was really exhausted even after taking a shower and eating a snack. Still that was not a strong excuse for me not to work!

A break, followed by some work and then a good night’s sleep ended my day.


