Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2017

Hey Re-inventors!

Again, this is DAY 4 of this series

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Let’s come to the topic of this post guys.


Sunday is the day when 98% people are not working and when I work on a sunday, I increase my chances of being in the top 2% : Tweet this

You may agree or you may not agree. But sundays are the time when I am not able to work as hard as I want to.

Let me tell you all something about myself. I don’t like anything interrupting me when I am working. Even when my mom asks me to do something, I’m like “Duh, I’m not doing it”.

Only if it was in my control….

My parents often taunt me regarding the fact that I am often sitting in my room doing some or the other thing and frankly, I do not listen.

Why? Because I love doing this. I love to write and I love to code(although I’m not that good at coding). I can do this all the time.

Not only do I love to write but I love to tell and share my story.

Coming back(I can talk a lot about what I love doing), I think, that at the end of the day, the highest amount of satisfaction I get, is when I feel that I have moved forward in whatever I am doing.

If that feeling is not there, my mood is off and you would not like to talk to me at that point of time :p. Sometimes I do think maybe I am being hard on myself, but I just cannot help it.

Sundays are the days we may have a family dinner or movie or something like that, which reduces my time to work.

If do not work → I am not satisfied → I am pissed off → The day is then terrible for me

This is how I actually am. And that is why I HATE SUNDAYS.

That being said, Here’s how my sunday went:

4:53 : Wake up

5:05 : Work

6:45 : Wish my father “Happy Father’s Day” ( He was quite happy :) )

6:51 : Gym with Dad

8:10 : Come back from the gym

8:35: Work

9:32 : Break

9:36 : Work

10:53 to 11:45 : Sorting out my phone (took a lot of time, but had to declutter)

12:04 : Coffee with Dad and Sister

12:20 : Work

1:48 : Lunch

2:01 : Work

2:15 : Lunch

2:35 : Work

5:30 : Tea break

5:48 : Work

6: 00 : Watched two videos(linked below)

7:10 : Buy some groceries

7:25 : Work

8:40 : Dinner

9:05 : Work

10:00 : Sleep

Above are the two videos that I watched during the day. The first video, was linked somewhere else so I viewed it due to curiosity. And since we’re talking about storytelling, how can we forget Casey Neistat.

It was not the fun stuff. I learned from both the videos and the 11 minutes were spent nicely, if not in the best possible way.

Coming back to the rest of my day, I woke up before time which was prettyyy nice. I worked, wished dad after which he was extremely happy.

I then went to the gym came back and worked for a while. The thing that I did differently today and had been avoiding for a long time is sorting out my phone.

Also you can evidently see that I spent more time with my family today which is a characteristic feature of a sunday.

The day after that comprised of the usual work with a tea break in between.

In the evening I also went to buy some groceries for about 15 minutes. Around 8:30 I had my dinner after which I worked pretty much till 10:00 after which I slept.

This was pretty much the end of Day 4.

Tell me what’s going through your mind while reading this article(even if you think that it was not good).

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