Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2017



The guy who took my desired job or promotion , didn’t deserve it ? Did he or did he not?

What’s up re-inventors!

You are here because you have a problem with how life treats you , You are here because you feel you deserve something but end up not getting what you desire,

Because you know — Life is certainly a bunch full of surprises , some might please you while most of them will shock you , like

1.While in school you work hard for a subject and end up failing , and the one who according to you doesn’t study ends up getting more marks.

2.While in college you work hard to get a job or internship , and the one who according to you doesn’t even know about the company ends up getting the job,

3. While in love you keep waiting for the girl/boy you like , and the one who according to you doesn’t deserve him/her ends up in a relationship with the one you loved

If you have been through even a single one of these experiences

Congratulations , you have been surprised by life , and hang on there is a’lot more to come!

So hey there! Lie down on the bed , take a deep breath , and now just read what we want to tell you :


After the big surprise life has given you , the biggest question that is troubling you is — “does the person who won over my job or my girl or my marks actually deserve it?”

The answer is : I AM NO ONE TO DECIDE

Because you know why — everybody is fighting a different battle in life and you can hardly know what the person sitting beside you has gone through . The problem is we judge people and do not try to know them .

We talk to the world showing and thinking that it was always “Me” who deserved a job , but deep inside we all know that we envy them for where they are .

Because they took the place you wanted , and it is you who always wanted to be there.

And it’s perfectly fine, it’s human nature

What the point actually is -

1. That maybe you are way more intelligent than the guy who obtained your desired job ,

But maybe he got into the job seeking process way before you did.

2. That maybe you studied harder than the guy who obtained more marks than you ,

But maybe he struggled for years to afford the kind of education & books you are able to and the struggle he made earlier to obtain his books is bearing fruit now,

In a nutshell, your hard work will never go unnoticed it will just take time to bear it’s fruit

By giving to you all these reasons we are not saying that you are wrong we are just saying that there are so many people around you and it’s best to not judge them because we don’t even know them.

All of this shall only hamper your process to bounce back again because until and unless you do not stop thinking about others you can never win over yourself.

See also: Why not giving a shit actually matters

Neither you Nor I are any Gods that have to decide someone’s fate according to their KARMA(deeds)

So although it’s harsh but the best option is to own up to what you lost.

Because the most successful people do not go around explaining their losses they go around working hard and conquering them.

All of this doesn’t mean that if you are not facing any problems you’ll never succeed it’s just that in this world you are not the only one who lost something there are millions behind you ,

Those millions might end up loosing again , but you can win if you stop thinking about why the other guy won the job

And start thinking about how you shall win it again.

So from now onwards you shall promise yourself that you will never think about someone else rather try to be happy in their success

Because when you start thinking about yourself — it is that moment from when you will get what you desire.

Your Success, Lies in Your Hands Only


