Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2017

Hey Re-inventors!

Back in the day, I used to struggle a lot with confidence. I would always be overthinking and my self-esteem was really low.

I was not able to talk properly to anyone because the voice in my head would not calm down. No matter how hard I tried, I used to say something embarrassing and regret it later.

The regret was painful.

I searched the internet on tips to become confident in any situation. Whether it was public speaking or talking to friends and acquaintances, I was terrible at all.

What I found on the internet

What I found was not satisfactory. Many websites told me that I had to just go out there and do it and do the things that I was afraid of.

But I always thought to myself that these ways are highly counter-intuitive.

They told me that the only way I could get rid of fear of talking to new people was to talk to them more!

I was disheartened. I knew that it was very difficult for me to do it.

I started looking for short term tips and tricks to take the easy way out but it was of no use and the confidence did not last :(

SO, let’s fast forward one year………

I stopped caring about any of those articles and just did what I thought was right.

So let’s get into the two things that I used to be more confident:


This was the most important decision that I have taken in my life till date. I cannot emphasize enough on this.

Whether you are the slimmest or the fattest or anything in between, YOU NEED TO EXERCISE.

Not only you will look good and live longer, you will also FEEL GOOD.

When you exercise, you look good and feel good. And when this happens you are able to do good for others which is the ultimate guide to self-confidence

Regular exercise makes your heart and bones stronger, lowers your risk for chronic disease right along with your blood pressure, keeps your weight under control and reduces feelings of anxiety and depression. While you’re boosting your energy levels, oxygen capacity, muscle tone and general fitness, a side benefit is an increase in self-esteem. Just the success of creating an exercise plan and sticking to it allows you to enjoy a sense of achievement.

WAIT! Before you say that you do not have access to the gym let me tell you that you can do anything and everything to improve your physique at home or a nearby park

WAIT AGAIN! Before you say that you don’t have time you have to CREATE time and for that you only need 30 minutes a day 3–5 times a week to get started.

So kick aside all excuses and start your journey towards a healthier, happier and confident YOU


The second thing that not many people are ready to face is rejection

Again, this is the same advice that I was reluctant to take some time back. I thought that this way I will not be able to build my self esteem

But I am happy to say that I WAS WRONG

I have been rejected a lot of times. I want to try and fail even at a faster rate.

Whether it is a debate competition, a play, convincing sponsors, selling products door-to-door and getting the door closed on your face, I have experienced quite a few.

What I have realized is that the rejection is never about you. It is about them. Maybe you were not the best person for the job they had and you have some other things that you’re good at, maybe that customer was really tired and did not even want to listen to your sales pitch, maybe that play wasn’t the best fit for you.

Also one thing that is crucial to understand is that a NO is not always a NO. It can be turned into a YES 1 month, 6 months or 1 year down the road. People do not have time always. You also do not accept all the requests you get right? So why beat yourselves about it?

Just keep trying and when rejected just think how you can turn that NO into a YES. Do not let anything stop you from moving forward!

I would love to hear from you guys, what are some of the other things that will improve confidence?

Also, hit that green little heart so that other people who have the same interest can see this article

Keep changing for the better and keep Re-inventing Yourself!!


