What’s really going on behind the scenes of 24sata?

Mirjana Nađ
Reinventing 24sata
Published in
5 min readJan 15, 2020

As you already read the intro about our big time project Reinvent, you know that something great is about to happen here at 24sata. But what exactly?

Automation monitored by editorial team.
In CMS journalists will add a mark to their stories on a news, lifetime and fun value scale for an scoring algorithm that will rank content based on that info and many others like story’s popularity among readers, their reading time, posting comments, video viewing time etc.

With diversity in content presentation (read „totally awesome design“) you’ll see all kinds of new layouts and cool elements.

My personal favourite is Flash card — you see what you like and you get all the important info. All that without having to make a single click from your homepage. You read that right, no click. You just stop, read and continue with your life having all the info you need for being a smarty pants while having a chit-chat with your colleague at work.

Flash card

For even faster informing about good stuff, you can subscribe to a topic, as many as you want. You’ll get a notification on your device and be informed right away. In a phase two we’ll add pictures into them. Cool, right?

There is something else you’ll be able to watch directly from homepage and that is Video article. Sometimes click feels like minutes. No more! You’ll see your video right away on the homepage but only if you are on WiFi. We wouldn’t want to drain your mobile package, would we?

Standalone video

Gallery is a new article concept in our portfolio. It consists of lot of photos and barely few words which you can scroll down easily. We feel that sometimes photos speak for themselves.

Standalone gallery on homepage
Standalone gallery article scroll

On the opposite, Long form articles will cover various topics in detail and contain a lot of textual content. This type of article is best used for storytelling and we would like to give our users an option to dig deep into an interesting story without having to explore further elsewhere.

Long form

And you’ll recognize long form article on homepage in this design:

Long form on homepage

Another great article type for storytelling, but with an emphasis on writers personal view on particular topic, is Column. In order to see right away on the homepage that your favourite columnist wrote another spicy story, we added author’s photo and the related columns below the main story. You’ll never miss it again!


And for the sport fans among our readers, here is a sneak peak of Live Sport article. This article type tracks all big and small happenings in sport events and informs you in real time. You can even chat about the game with your fellow comentators.

Live Sport

No more boring promo stories you always click on because of their cool title but you end up being angry at yourself because you didn’t recognize another clickbait. Not in 24sata! Our awarded Native team will always prepare great and useful Native & PR content for you. We owe it to you and our clients.

Native article on homepage
PR article on homepage

Also, we prepared a set of reactions which you’ll like for sure. Not the usual six, but we added a seventh. For the ones asking — yes, there will be a dislike button too.

Reaction set

In a phase two, we’ll even integrate them into the forum so you can put a reaction on a comment which was made by your favorite or not so favorite commentator.

And if you want to be a popular commentator we have an announcement for you. Do your best and leave a constructive comment and we will promote you on a homepage widget. It will be placed under the article and only best of the best will appear in it so bring it on.

Homepage comment widget

Building Reinvent project components, the guiding thought for us was „What would user want?“. We appreciate user’s time and that is why we wanted to shorten the time between user coming to our site and getting the important news as much as possible. And I think we made it, so come and be a bearing witness of our Reinvent story.

Learn more about our Vision and Strategy and History of 24sata, if you are interested in knowing more.

