“Well…that’s a choice.”

Fruc Menchavez III
Sample Size of One
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2021
The great Tatianna once said, “Choices!”

If you have ever had the opportunity to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race, it has been a source of inspiration, quotable quotes and lipsyncing extravaganza for me, and to be honest, this GIF fits my coachsulting practice really well!

In coaching individuals and consulting with organizations, I often hear responses where a lot of people feel subjugated by their circumstances and things that they do not have control over. A lot of their energy gets focused on feeling as if they are unable to move in any direction, and, quite frankly, it’s so hard to “snap out of it” (pardon my Cher-ism). This is so common, especially when we operate out of fear rather than abundance. Operating out of fear puts us in a position as if we have no control over anything in our situation, whereas operating out of abundance allows us to pause, reflect and analyze our situation to help us make the best decision for ourselves, our teams and our organizations given what we know at that point in time. I can definitely share that unlearning this fear-based thought process is not the easiest, but I want to reassure you that it is doable, and akin to working out, this will take some exercise and repetition. One of my go to quotes in situations where people feel uncertain about how to incorporate this practice into their day-to-day is this:

Between a stimulus and a response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
~Viktor Frankl

As I write this on my birthday, one of the most difficult choices I have decided to commit myself to is finally getting the surgery on my cranial nerve. If you’re reading this and have no clue what I am talking about, that’s totally okay; I detail my affliction on my first blog post. Over the years since my diagnosis, I have noticed how worse my condition has gotten, so after a couple more of upcoming consultations and finding a good window of time when I can take some time off from work and other engagements, I am going to get this tumor taken care of. Am I scared? 100%. Do I still want to move forward with this? Yes. It was a long time coming, but after weighing my options, the possibilities and things I may end up giving up, I have made the conscious decision to move in this direction, and it was one of the most freeing moments for me.

I’ll definitely keep you posted on how my journey turns out with getting my condition figured out. In the meantime, please keep me posted on the conscious choices you are making in your life and its impact on you!



Fruc Menchavez III
Sample Size of One

In the business of making workplaces more human. OD Practitioner. Life and Leadership Coach. Cultural Aficionado. Foodie. Human Being.