REMME monthly digest — February, 2018

Remme Protocol
3 min readMar 6, 2018


We’re into the third month of 2018 already. That happened fast. But we’re pleased to report that the REMME team hasn’t been resting. In fact, we’ve been working harder than ever, which is just as well given the rate this year seems to be accelerating at. There’s lots to update you on, so without further ado, let’s get started.

Analyzing the REMME public sale

As you’ll likely already know, our public sale went even better than expected, hitting its hard cap in just 24 hours. Okay, 24 hours and 1 minute if you want to be fussy. During that time, we raised a total of 19,343 ETH from 4,981 contributors. They hailed from 123 countries and while we’re slinging facts at you, we can report that the number one country by contributors was India and by purchase amount was the United Kingdom. All told, the public sale was a great success, and we’d like to reiterate once again how grateful we are to everyone who took part.

Tokens have been distributed, but if they’ve yet to show up in your Ethereum wallet, you simply need to manually add the REM token. Using an ERC20 wallet such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet, here’s what you have to do:

1) Click “Add Custom Token”

2) Enter the token address (0x83984d6142934bb535793A82ADB0a46EF0F66B6d)

3) Enter the number of decimals (4)

4) Add the token symbol (REM)

5) Click “Add”/ “Save”

And that’s it. You should now see your REM tokens in your Ethereum wallet. Here’s the REM token address, in case you need to check it on Etherscan:

REMME product update

Work on REMME PKI (d) 0.1.0 has been cranked up in the wake of our successful public sale, and our developers have been toiling away to push out this alpha release of REMME Core. Full details can be found here, but basically we’re using the Hyperledger Sawtooth, whose modular design will allow use to configure things precisely. The alpha release will allow for the issuing and revocation of SSL/TLS certificates, transferral of REM tokens and a command-line interface. We’re excited to be able to finally trial REMME PKI (d) 0.1.0 in the wild, and we know our partners are too.

Meanwhile, our devs have also had their hands full working on the masternodes which will play a crucial part in securing and fully decentralizing REMME. A couple of weeks ago, we published a high level concept on our Github repository, outlining how these will work. Anyone considering running a masternode will want to check that document, but in short you will require 250k REM to be staked in order to run one, and we hope to open this provision to the public in Q3 of 2018.

Partnerships pile up

Nary a month goes by without some sort of new partnership being announced, and February was no different. On this occasion, we joined forces with white hat pen testers Hacken. They become our latest security partner, and have already proven their worth in helping secure our website in the run-up to our crowdsale. We look forward to partnering with other crypto startups in the future, as we seek to demonstrate the many use cases for REMME’s distributed authentication technology. Read more details here .

REMME Community update

Finally, we’d like to take a moment to thank our community for all their hard work and support in the lead up to our public sale and in the aftermath too. We’re proud that many of you have a deep interest in the REMME protocol, nodes, usability and other tech aspects of the project. Our goal is to build a strong community around REMME, and for those of you with an interest in the more technical side of things we’re in the process of creating a dedicated REMME Tech community.

This will provide a place for in-depth discussion of the technology surrounding our protocol, and will include such measures as AMAs with our engineering team, gathering feedback and talking about everything that’s connected with development process.

Following a vote in our official Telegram group, Discord was chosen as the preferred platform for the Tech Community group, and we’re now in the process of finalizing the preparations for this.

Don’t forget to subscribe to receive all the latest news from our team on our website and on the REMME News Channel in Telegram.



Remme Protocol

Distributed Public Key Infrastructure protocol and PKI-enabled apps to address the challenges of the Web 3.0. ⚡️Powered by blockchain⚡️