Re Human Day 33

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2018

Re-inventing ourselves is the most important skill nowadays. I’m re-inventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time. This post is part of my Re Human project.

Daily Habits

Books: I’ve been listening to The Selfish Gene. Some notes from today:

You can make inferences about a man’s / animal’s character by looking at the environment and conditions which it has survived and prospered.

The fundamental unit for natural selection is not the species or the animal, but the gene.

Survival of the fittest is a special case of the survival of the stable.

It is essential for the evolution of life that some errors are made.

What on earth do you think you are if not a robot, albeit a complicated one?

Writing: This post, code, and a daily thought.

Re Human Extended Activity: Fridays is Graphic Design.

I spent pretty much all my time trying to connect the R and the e in a way that looked nice. But I still haven’t decided if I like it more with the smooth connection or with the connection in the second picture. What do you think?

Fitness: Today I worked out with a friend — Nick Hunter. We were both surprised with each other because it’s hard to find people that can do our whole “workouts”. We did one of his planned workouts; he sent me the plan over text before, so here it is:

Warmup (x3): 5 muscle ups, 10 Handstand pushups, 20 V-Ups

Heavy Lift: Bench press 5x5

Body Weight (x5): Weighted Pullups (60lbs) 5x, Drop weight wide grip pull ups 5x, L-sit + tuck planche 3x for 3 seconds each, 20 Weighted clapping pushups

100 burpees sub 5 mins (if greater than 5mins do an extra 20)

Core: 15 straight body candle stick, 15 pike to straight body candle stick, 15 pikes, 25 crunches, 25 right crunches, 25 left crunches, 25 lemon squeezers, 25 v ups, 25 right v ups, 25 left v ups, 25 right arm plank ups, 25 left arm plank ups, 25 center plank ups, 25 side to side planks, 1 min arch hold, 1 min hollow hold

Meditation: 20mins in the morning — today I decided to experiment with a guided “Loving Kindness” meditation, from the Oak meditation app (the one I usually use as my 20mins timer).

Piano: Enjoying La La Land’s Sebastian and Mia’s theme. Getting to farther places in the song feels cool.

Soccer trick juggling: I’ve really enjoyed listening to music while I practice my juggles. Today I was pretty close to doing two around the worlds without the ball falling in between — for some reason, this has been the direction I’ve been working towards recently.

Connections, takeaways and Ideas for tomorrow

“When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.” — Buddha

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.