Re Human Day 45

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2018

Re-inventing ourselves has always been the most important skill. I’m re-inventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time. This post is part of my Re Human project.

Daily Habits

Books: Been really enjoying Creativity: the psychology of discovery and invention. Some notes from today:

Getting to a creative insight is usually a 5-step process:

Preparation, Incubation, Moment of insight, Evaluation, Elaboration

The real breakthroughs come from reformulating problems or discovering new ones.

Being idle, not busy is key to be creative. Incubation period is probably the most important.

The secret to a happy life is the ability to find flow in as many activities as possible.

One of the most important things to teach children is the ability to find pleasure in the right objects.

Re Human Extended Activity: Wednesdays is Salsa Dancing.

So today I was so enthralled in my startup work (we’re getting extremely close to launching) that I completely forgot about time and that Salsa classes are at 7:30 or 8:30 for intermediate (was already past 8:30 when I realized). Fortunately, last week my Salsa teacher gave me a sheet with the “beginner” curriculum — so that I could learn the terms before moving to “intermediate”. I didn’t know any of the terms so today I just looked up all the terms/moves and watched like 9 youtube videos of all the moves. There were some moves in the curriculum I haven’t personally seen yet, like the copa , hammerlock, or drop-catch.

Digital Drawing & Painting:

Today I started watching a course on Skillshare on Design Illustration: Design your Avatar. Super interesting because the teacher is using Adobe Illustrator so I see this as a mix of Drawing and Design. Awesome how he mostly uses basic shape tools to create more complex illustrations.

Writing: This post and a daily thought.

Fitness: warmup, handstands, and human flag practice.

Meditation: 15mins in morning, 5mins at night.

Piano: Still practicing recall (best way to memorize/learn ) for La La Land’s Sebastian and Mia’s theme.

Soccer trick juggling: Today I also didn’t get two around the worlds in a row. Reading this book on Creativity/Flow I realize how prone soccer trick juggling is for feeling flow: you know what you need to be doing, you’re at the edge of your abilities, you’re required full focus, you enjoy the process, you don’t mind what other people think, you feel tangible progress, etc. All important components of flow.

Random Surprise

The surprise today is a Commercial from a Thai company:

It’s one of the most heartwarming ads I’ve ever seen.

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.