Re Human Day 92

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2018

We are what we repeatedly do. I’m re-inventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time. This post is part of my Re Human project.

Daily Habits

Books: Today I continued listening to Can’t Hurt Me.

40% rule — when we think we’ve given it all, we’re only 40% there.

There is no finish line. There is always more to learn.

Challenge 9: when you’re at the top, become even more uncommon.

Become a master of your fears.

4020 pull ups in 24 hours sounds crazy but it’s only 6 pull-ups per minute. 10secs of effort and 50 of rest.

Meditation: 20 minutes in the morning.

Re Human Extended Activity: Mondays I’m a VR Artist & Architect.

I first moved my walls with Shift so I could move them precisely to the spots I wanted. Then looked for a nice brown color on, added it to the walls and floor, and “solidified” each of the walls and floors. Then I really wanted it to look like real wood, so I searched in youtube. Watched a cool video about a guy making a wooden cup but it didn’t work for me.

In the suggestions for next, there was this “Blender Guru” guy making a Subway scene in Blender, compressed his whole session into 20mins of the useful tips. I was wowed by the level of detail and the final scene. I really liked his video so I clicked on his channel and the first intro video that he has was also very good — basically explained that learning VR/Making 3D Games/Animations are all just the same thing: creating in 3D. It was pretty informative and quick about the space in general, and made me feel good that I chose Blender to start with.

Then went to this Blender Guru’s video where he teaches textures, and he had an example about putting wood. Somehow, also didn’t work for me. Maybe there’s a setting I hadn’t set or some small toggle that I’m missing.

Writing: This post, code, and a daily thought.

Digital Drawing & Painting:

Today I started a new Gal Shir drawing.

This is what I did today:

This is how I want it to look:

Fitness: Today I was also able to do a couple of handstand push ups, a couple of times. Trained chest and triceps.

Piano: Practiced the La La Land song. Focused on a single section — seems like the last one to really master.

Soccer trick juggling: Today I juggled with Naryan and it was pretty fun. Our legs were sore because yesterday we played pick up soccer outside under cold rain for a while, but it was still fun today.

Random Surprise

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.” — Zig Ziglar

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.