Re Human — Week 13 Reflections — Day 91

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
5 min readDec 17, 2018

Re-inventing ourselves is the most important skill nowadays. I’m reinventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time. We are what we repeatedly do. This post is part of my Re Human project.

photo by @chrisburkard

In a previous weekly reflection, I tried ranking the areas I’m learning along two axes — progress and enjoyment. Basically as a way to see which areas need more attention. Also just a fun exercise. Today I’m going to do the same along three axes — progress, enjoyment, learned most, and perceived value created.

I think these four axes are a good way to explain and surface reflections for the three main reasons I’m doing this whole Re Human project.

Re Human is a personal experiment, mainly for:

1. Fun

2. Learning: understanding the world and myself

3. Creating value: share ideas, art, inspiration, and anything I’m learning with others

So why four axes if there are only three main reasons?

I see the progress axis as a “meta” axis because the more I progress in each area, the more fun I can have in that area and across the areas (learning and improving in one area often also means insights and improvements in the other areas), the better I get at “creating value” in each area, and progress means I’m probably learning a lot in each area.

These axes ranks are only based on this week:

Progress axis

1- Starting a startup, 2. Fitness, 3. Media Influencer, 4. Salsa Dancing,

5. Soccer trick juggling, 6. Digital Drawing & Painting, 7. Piano, 8. Writing,

9. VR. Artist & Architect, 10. Topics Deep Dives, 11. Music Production,

12. Graphic Design, 13. Books, 14. Meditation, 15. Different & Positive Social Interactions

I just learned a ton from doing this simple progress axis exercise. It’s a mental exercise, but it helps a lot to write it down because that way it’s easier to compare all the areas and see how they’re layed out. Feels cool because Books, Meditation, and Different & Positive Social Interactions (now just the weekly newsletter I send), are more suited as “constant” habits, where the idea is more about maintaining them than about “progress” (e.g. meditate 20mins per day, send newsletter, listen to books in my free time (usually gets to ~2 per week)). But also interesting to note they’re at the bottom because I could innovate on how to progress in these areas.

Learning axis

1- Topics Deep Dives, 2. Starting a startup, 3. Books,

4. Writing, 5. Meditation, 6. Soccer trick juggling

7. Salsa Dancing, 8. Music Production. 9. Fitness,

10. Media Influencer, 11. Digital Drawing & Painting, 12. Different & Positive Social Interactions

13. Piano, 14. Graphic Design 15. VR. Artist & Architect

It was fun to reflect on what things I’ve learned from each area — not only about the area, but learning about the world and myself in general.

Perceived Value Created

1- Starting a startup, 2. Media Influencer, 3. Different & Positive Social Interactions

4. Writing, 5. Topics Deep Dives, 6. Graphic Design,

7. Books (been taking notes on each book I read), 8. Meditation, 9. Music Production

10. VR. Artist & Architect,11. Digital Drawing & Painting 12. Soccer trick juggling,

13. Piano, 14. Salsa Dancing, 15. Fitness

This was also a super interesting axis because creating value is super important to me, and it surfaced areas like Media Influencer and D&P Social Interactions. These two areas don’t benefit me in a direct or immediate way, so if I’m not aware or reminded of their imporance, I may not give them the attention I’ve now reinforced I want to give them. It was also interesting to rank the areas where I’m not directly or immediately creating value to others (but definitely to myself), and thus it was more about feeling how much I progressed in that area and how much that area has the potential to create value for others.

I really liked doing these Axis Reflections, will probably do them again — might experiment with a couple of new axes. As always, just experimenting with life.

This Week’s Breakthrough Realizations

This week I’m changing the name from “breakthrough knowledge” to “breakthrough realizations” because I think it captures the sentiment better. Knowledge can only be breakthrough knowledge when you internalize it. There’s lots of “knowledge” lying around with the potential to be life-changing, and you may have “heard” “seen” or “known” that knowledge before, but the first step to internalizing it is to “realize” its significance. You can also realize things many times over your life. I think the key is to be aware of the potential of some ideas, and recognize them when you see them.

“You find yourself when you lose yourself in the service of others. “ — Gandhi

Leverage your love-power (another power other than will-power, often easier).

3 Es to help in self-awareness: Element, Environment, Energy. Element that you thrive in (what activitie(s) do you thrive in). Craft your environment. What energy level (intense, relaxed, etc.) gives you more energy.

3 Frame of Reference questions:

  • Do we live in a friendly or hostile universe?
  • Is everything a miracle or nothing a miracle?
  • Can you do anything you set your mind to without limitation or are there certain things you can’t comprehend?

Passion is for you, purpose is for others.

A good life comes from the alignment of the head, heart, and hand.

Detachment is not owning nothing. It’s nothing owning you.

“Today, I’m not what I think I am. I’m not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.” We live in a perception of our perception of ourselves. source.

Para que sirve la utopia? No se puede alcanzar, siempre que nos acercamos, se aleja mas. Entonces para que sirve? Para eso, para seguir avanzando.

“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” — Bruce Lee

I’m not crazy, I’m just not like you.

The opposite of distraction is not focus. It’s attraction. Build attraction by remembering the why.

To be happy is to be free, to be free is to be brave.

Anything you want to do and is under your control should be done. Build up mental muscles so this always happens, and don’t fool yourself.

Since one of my main reasons for this project is to create value, it’s useful if you Click and hold the Clap button so I can get a feel for whether what I’m writing about is valuable to you and so more people can see this.

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.