A Node Side Application Walkthrough

Render Network
Render Network
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2018


In our last project update, we shared “RNDR’s Phase II Walkthrough”, which showed users how to render a job through the ORC interface and pay with RNDR tokens. These tokens were held in an escrow account from the time the job was requested until it was completed. During the process, the user could follow the status of the requested job and download it to the computer.

Now we will focus on the node-side application workflow, where the selected nodes are working, and how it fits in with technical development to date.

Recap of Technical Development Phases I — II

During Phase I, our development team successfully integrated the RNDR Token with the existing ORC system, accomplishing the first goal in the process of building the RNDR Network’s decentralized ecosystem. We implemented the integration through Metamask, an extension that runs Ethereum-enabled distributed applications (or “dApps”) directly in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, as well as the open-source, privacy-protecting Brave browser developed by advisor Brendan Eich.

In Phase II, the team developed a System Tray Application on Windows (with Linux support coming in the near future) that can render ORBX files and process them through the Ethereum Blockchain — assigning RNDR tokens directly to GPU contributors’ crypto-wallets in return for the processing power contributed to our platform.

We’ll be highlighting network metrics such as the number of requesters and providers (as well as their geographical distribution), the amount of frames rendered and their complexity, total network capacity, and OB scores, among other performance metrics.

So where are we now?

As we stated previously, since the beginning of Q3, selected nodes have started to provide their GPU power to the RNDR Network to process predetermined rendering jobs on Ropsten (Ethereum Testnet Environment).

The Node Side

Step-by-step guide for new nodes wanting to join the RNDR Network:

We’ve made a short description of the steps involved for the nodes to download and run the RNDR token application. These same steps will soon be followed by the users/nodes that have subscribed to the Beta Form when the time for them to join the network comes, so this is a great chance for you to start to get familiar with the following procedure:

  1. Access the private URL provided by the RNDR team.
  2. Once prompted, fill in the credentials sent by the RNDR team.
  3. You’ll be directed to a screen with the beta link. Click the Beta Download button and wait for the .exe file to install.
  4. A screen pops up for users to enter the ETH wallet ID they wish to receive the tokens in. The same wallet IDs are used to identify miners.
  5. Click Close and that’s it! The RNDR Token application will start running.
‘Beta Download’ button after accepting EULA
Enter an Ethereum Wallet ID and then close.

After completing these steps, nodes are now in the network and can pick up frames from submitted jobs.

Those who contribute GPU processing power can see the progress of each frame, the frame number from the scene, and the status and utilization of the GPUs and VRAM (free VRAM vs. used VRAM).

While the application is running, it shows different messages for the node:

  • Downloads done: Downloading to memory. In this particular workflow, each frame is downloaded one step at a time.
  • Sha256: Verification hash function.
  • Node waiting on message/Node message received: A node is waiting on a job to be posted/ A job was sent to the node.
Each frame is downloaded one step at a time.
Nodes are able to see the progress of each frame.

If the node‘s administrator decides to close the application during rendering, it will render the last frame and send it back to the artists before it closes the application. Be aware that this is only if they exit from the system tray; you can close the window and rendering will not be interrupted.

Scenes with different complexities have been rendered successfully on the network and securely sent back to artists for easy download through beta.rendertoken.com. In exchange for those rendered jobs, nodes have received testnet tokens with no monetary value.

Just Around the Corner

A team led by Charlie Wallace (Chief Science Officer), Akram Abdou (Project Manager), and Matthew McClure (Blockchain Developer) finished implementing the necessary bug fixes of this first iteration, and they are working on the last details to gradually bring in additional users to the Ropsten Testnet as we transition to the Ethereum Mainnet.

The upcoming beta members (both artists and miners) will play a key role in testing the application while our development team increases the complexity of the jobs being rendered, among other parameters that will gradually make the network environment ready and stable for the Mainnet.

Another crucial task will be testing the existing user interface. As John Carmack, Oculus VR CTO, recently stated on Twitter: “Targeting user love is different than maximizing quality”. We take our community feedback seriously, therefore we are working on creating a link for beta testers to leave feedback about their experience. Our developers will iterate based on what we get back from the Community Outreach team.

The final goal of the beta stage is to get the distributed rendering end working in order to identify and address issues automatically. In other words, to get a beta that runs without any manual intervention.

Genesis holders along with Beta subscribers will receive notifications in order to join the network, and we’ll also work on useful and concise materials so our users have a great experience: easy and fun, but also safe.

The other part of the crew, led by Kalin Stoyanchev (Project Lead) and Phillip Gara (Strategy), is working to expand the network’s global partnerships, and to improve the platform for rendering and streaming through smart contracts and blockchain technology while also adding additional details about network tokenomics and governance.

The Road Towards A Photon-Driven Economy

RNDR is building Node and Requestor UX at the same time that OctaneRender is developing powerful new features, like incorporating a new RNDR AI Viewport and Light Field Viewer, which will become a part of OctaneRender 2019. With AI acceleration, volumetric rendering, as well as light field and ray tracing support, OctaneRender 2019 will set the industry standards for holographic creation and distribution on next-generation volumetric displays. Providing the first ever end-to-end XR holographic pipeline, OctaneRender 2019 will include a new RNDR SDK multi-backend framework and supporting NVIDIA RTX ray tracing, Vulkan, DXR, CUDA, and for the first time — Apple Metal, bringing cinematic path tracing to the Apple ecosystem.

OTOY is focused on accelerating OctaneRender’s progression towards AI-driven, real-time path tracing and consolidating OctaneRender’s mixed-reality toolset under a new RNDR SDK, providing an end-to-end holographic rendering ecosystem on the RNDR Blockchain. Excited yet?

We can’t thank our community enough for the amount of forms submitted to the Beta Interest Form. Such trust and motivation are invaluable to us! Everyone on the RNDR Team is thrilled to share the excitement over the development of the project in the months to come with all of you.

Stay tuned for future updates regarding the beta!

Join us in the Rendering Revolution

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Render Network
Render Network

https://render.x.io Render Network is the first blockchain GPU rendering network & 3D marketplace.