Behind the Network (BTN): July 15th, 2022

A guide to understanding RNP-000 v2 and the new Render Network Community Discord server

Render Network
Render Network
6 min readJul 15, 2022


Following last week’s Snapshot primer guide, we’re continuing with our breakdown of one of the newest proposed systems in the Render Network Community sphere: the Render Network Proposal. Last month we formally announced the introduction of the community influence protocol known as the Render Network Proposal system, or RNP for short, with the launch of RNP-000. Earlier this week, after the first round of community feedback, we’ve released an updated version of RNP-000 and a preliminary timeline for the first Snapshot vote. For those who haven’t seen, or are not familiar at all with how and where these discussions are going on, we want to clue you into what is new in the Render Network Community. So without further ado:

Breaking Down RNP-000 v2

Like the original version, RNP-000 v2 is a proposal laying down the framework of the Render Network Proposal system and how it will work. Think of it as a blueprint, laying out all of the groundwork and details for a plan, while still being open for adjustments.

RNP-000 lays out the basics of putting together an RNP: starting with giving it a Title, deciding which Category the proposal falls under, an Overview of what the proposal will do, the Reasoning behind the proposal, which Stakeholders (aka groups of users) would be affected by this proposal, and any Technical Considerations and potential Drawbacks for the proposal.

The opening page of the Github for RNP-000 v2

Diving into the details, RNPs can fall under 1 of 3 types: Core (Technical), Core (Ecosystem Fund Allocation), and Process. Core proposals cover changes to functions of the Network, and are split into “Technical” (changes to technical functions that require development) and “Ecosystem Fund Allocation” (changes to how funds are used on the Network, such as putting money towards X area). Process proposals cover the how of how the Network is run; this could cover changes to how decisions are made, what kind of tools are available on the Network, etc.

Finally, RNP-000 also includes a “Guidelines” section with some general best practices to consider when submitting an RNP. First we recommend researching previous RNPs so that your proposal does not conflict with a current RNP or is already addressed in earlier RNPs. This is important because if an RNP conflicts with an RNP that is up for vote, it will be removed from consideration until after a vote has been conducted and significant time has elapsed. This ensures that there are no wasted efforts between RNPs, and encourages the community to submit follow-on RNPs that build on previous RNPs. Finally, RNPs that promote activity detrimental to the community or network’s mission will be removed from consideration.

The primary changes between v1 and v2 of the RNP are as follows, all suggested by the community members who were kind enough to provide their feedback:

  • The voting window for Community Snapshot reviews has been expanded from 24 hours to 72 hours, giving users more time to cast their votes.
  • Clarification on Tally being used at a future date to allow users to transfer their voting power to other users.
  • Added proposal of the emergency voting protocol, whereby a proposal deemed an emergency would have a shortened community comment window (24 hours), and the voting threshold for implementation would be increased from 25% of token supply to 35%.
  • RNP authors can now resubmit an updated version of their proposal after the initial comment window, for an additional 1 week of comments, prior to heading to a vote.

The Render Network Community Discord

Of the major changes that have come along with the introduction of this system has been the creation of the Render Network Community Discord channel. Discord has become a common community hub for Web3 projects, and with the introduction of a community focused system and the features that Discord has, it seemed like a great match to introduce Discord into the fold at the same time as the RNP system.

For those users that are a part of the Render Network Slack, Telegram or Twitter communities, Discord should provide another outlet for you to talk with and meet other members of the Render Network and talk! What is the main difference is that with Discord’s ability to group channels, it’ll be easier to find just what you’re looking for.

Looking at the Discord groupings, the server is split up into 4 main channels: “Important”, “Discussions”, “Community” and “Governance”.

Highlighted channels show that new content has been posted!

Let’s break those each down and lay out what they’re about:

The Important channels cover the basics of the community, such as verifying yourself and agreeing to the rules of the community, and a pinned message welcoming you to the community, outlining the rules and who the moderators are.

The Discussion section would be most familiar to those who have been on other Render Network communities. “General” is where users can talk, get to know each other and chat regarding just about anything Render Network. “Ideas and Feedback” is more of a constructive setting, where Render Network community members can discuss improvements to the Network in a more casual setting than a formal RNP.

Community is where you can find both “FAQs” and “Report-Spam”, which serve to help keep the community informed and safe.

Finally, Governance is where the bulk of RNP formation and discussion takes place. The “RNP-Discussions” section is where users can discuss RNPs in general, while soft-testing potential future RNP ideas among other impassioned users. The “RNP-Proposals” section acts as a kind of “soft-launch” channel for RNP proposals, where users can workshop ideas ahead of submitting a formal RNP proposal to one of the Render Network team mods in Discord for consideration and placement in the Render Network Github repo. Once an RNP has been accepted and formatted onto the Github Repo, it will receive its own dedicated discussion channel, numbered to match the relevant RNP. There users can provide feedback on the individual RNP, which can be factored into the second round of revisions by the RNP author ahead of the actual community vote.

Though Discord and RNPs may seem a bit intimidating at first, both are tools designed to help the community better lead the direction of the Render Network. With more information on how to use these tools, we here at the Render Network team hope to encourage every community member to take an active role in leading the Render Network into the future they imagine.

What’s Next?

Next Thursday we will be co-hosting a Twitter Space with and Stnly_nl! Check out the Render Network twitter account for more details over the coming days, and join the space next Thursday!

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