Render Network Q2 Highlights Part 2: Network Statistics

Render Network
Render Network
Published in
7 min readJul 28, 2023

Following up from last week’s BTN, this week we’ll be taking a look ‘under the hood’ of the Render Network and diving into some metrics statistics from the last quarter.

Steady Usage Continues from Quarter to Quarter

An overarching theme throughout the last quarter’s metrics was the consistent usage of the Render Network across the end of 2022 and into the beginning of 2023, continuing growth even amidst the backdrop of turbulence in the macroeconomic environment and the NFT / blockchain space. The same has continued in statistically significant categories across general network usage into Q2 2023. This Behind the Network (BTN) will explore growth data from both the creator side and node side usage of the Render Network.

At a high level the network saw roughly a 10% increase in frames rendered, jobs processed, and RNDR used. Meanwhile, node utilization and Octane Bench power on the network increased by about 25% showing greater distribution, performance, and scaling infrastructure in the network.

Let’s dig into the details.

Through Q2 2023, 48,850 Render Network Jobs were created, a slight increase from the 45,966 Render Network Jobs created in Q1 2023. Similarly and subsequently, Q2 2023 saw a slight increase in total frames rendered with 2,481,372 vs. 2,119,813 in Q1 2023. Year-to-date (YTD going forward), 4,601,185 individual frames have been rendered throughout 2023 on the Network.

Q1 2023 saw the release of a new feature to the Render Network, with the introduction of Stable Diffusion jobs on the Network through the native integration of the toolset from Stability AI. The feature has been tested by users throughout the last half-year, with thousands of outputs generated across the network YTD. Q1 saw 1,023 outputs generated from 229 Stable Diffusion Jobs (or prompts), and Q2 saw a nominal growth with 1,171 outputs generated from 291 Stable Diffusion Jobs.

As expected as well, with the incremental increases in Jobs created and Frames Rendered, total job costs saw an equal increase across the board, with prices staying stable despite additions to the offerings on hand for Network users.

As a whole from Q1 2023 to Q2 2023, usage statistics continued to show incremental increases across the board on the creator side of the Network.

Node Side Growth

On the Node Operator side, Q2 2023 saw growth across all major categories, with between ~10–20% increases across all categories as a whole.

Across nodes that performed work YTD, Q1 2023 saw 903 active nodes participating on the network, whereas Q2 2023 saw an increase to 1,140 active nodes on the network. Among these active nodes throughout the two quarters, the total amount of OB of these active nodes also increased from 1,291,396 OB in Q1 to 1,538,510 in Q2, which provided creators with that much more raw rendering power for the increased variety in rendering jobs.

For the Node Operators themselves, across realtime they saw a slight increase in the total time that their nodes were occupied with rendering on the Network. YTD a total of 284,687 hours were occupied with rendering on the Network, split across the two quarters fairly evenly, with 140,036 hours rendering in Q1 vs. 144,651 hours in Q2.

The increase in OB processed and jobs combined with decreasing render times, shows that the network is getting more powerful and efficient — where the baseline level of compute performance is higher, leading to faster render times.

In performance, peaks are important because they show users the value proposition of using Render Network, where you can access near unlimited on-demand GPU power, which is not available on any other service. The raw power of the Network was no more evident than on some of the Network’s bigger jobs throughout these two quarters. None more so in fact than in the last quarter, where across 309 Nodes devoted to a single job, a total of 835,664 OB was used. This job dwarfs its companion from the previous quarter, which saw 720,733 Max total OB used on a single job, spread across 198 nodes. The network is as a result, reaching higher peaks, offering artists an increasingly powerful service.

Social Media and Communications Data

The Render Network Twitter account saw a 75% surge in follower growth from Q1 to Q2 2023. In Q1 2023, the account gained 15,229 new followers, and this number nearly doubled in Q2 2023 to 26,714.

The Network witnessed a significant increase in new Twitter followers in Q2 2023, fueled by the successful launch of the Render Network Foundation, strategic Network expansion, new initiatives, and active content sharing from community members. The growth achieved during this quarter significantly outpaced the numbers from Q2 2022.

April of Q2 2023–7,110 (Monthly Gained Followers)
April of Q2 2022–1,116 (Monthly Gained Followers)
Percentage Growth: Over 500% OR 537%

May of Q2 2023–12,208 (Monthly Gained Followers)
May of Q2 2022–931 (Monthly Gained Followers)
Percentage Growth: Over 1200% OR 1210%

June of Q2 2023–7,396 (Monthly Gained Followers)
June of Q2 2022–938 (Monthly Gained Followers)
Percentage Growth: Over 650% OR 688%

Across Q2 2023, the Render Network Twitter account’s top performing posts were:

April 2023:

May 2023:

June 2023:

Across the Render Network Medium blog, Q2 2023 saw an 82% increase in viewership across all articles, with 20,636 views in Q2 2023 vs. 17,002 views in Q1 2023.

Across the two quarters, individual article peaks saw the Render Network Foundation announcement in January take the top spot YTD with 3.9k views, the RNP-002 and RNP-003 Community Snapshot voting notification in April taking the second spot at 2.7k views, and GTC 2023 recap, Render Network Foundation Website release and the Future of the Spatial Web think-piece all tying for third at 2.6k views.

Presenting the top-performing Medium posts during the second quarter of 2023:

1. RNP-002 and RNP-003 Community Snapshot Vote Results:

The post provides an overview of the vote results for RNP-002 (Layer 1 Network Expansion) and RNP-003 (Resource Acquisition and Allocation for Core Team and Grants).

RNP-002 voted to transition to Solana as the L1 for the Network, while RNP-003 proposed obtaining resources through emissions to support the team and fund grants. The post received 2,700 views and 1,000 reads, with a read ratio of 39%. To access the complete post, click here.

2. The Future of the Spatial Web: A Look at the Vision Pro and Holographic Mixed Reality Powered by the Render Network:

With 2,600 views and 562 reads, this informative “Behind the Network” article dives into the fascinating technologies of the Render Network. These technologies play a crucial role in bringing mixed reality to the forefront and making it easily accessible in the emerging era of spatial compute. To read the entire post, click here

3. Render Foundation Website Release:

The post garnered 2,600 views and 748 reads, with a read ratio of 29%. It unveiled the launch of the Render Network Foundation website, the updated whitepaper, artwork displays from Render Network creators, and a brand new community hub. To access the full post on the Render Foundation site — click here.

Threads Follower Growth

In the first few weeks of July, the Render Network made its way onto Meta’s latest social platform, Threads. Between July 11th and 25th, the network gained 450 new followers.


As a whole, the Render Network has continued to see steady growth in usage across Q2 2023, while also seeing substantial growth in visibility and operating power. The former is to be commended, as steady and reliable usage is one of the core tenets that the Network has been built around, but the latter is essential.

In the last half-year the Network has expanded its team, its offerings and its vision, and with it the community has responded by providing more power and bringing more eyes to the Network. This growth is emblamatic of the forward trajectory of a project that is building itself out to be a pillar of the future of entertainment across the next generation of media.

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Render Network
Render Network Render Network is the first blockchain GPU rendering network & 3D marketplace.