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Reporting History
Reporting History
A daily news article from historical newspapers. A quick read of what was topical “back in the day.”
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September 8, 1861 — Letter from Col. Vaughn

Daily Nashville Patriot, Nashville, TN

From the Knoxville Register

Munson’s Hill, in sight Washington City, August 31, 1861.

September 7, 1861 — Stirring Times Ahead

Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg General Advertiser, Bloomsburg, PA

From the movements about Washington City, in our army, as also from what appears to be taken place among the Rebels across the Potomac, we incline to the opinion…

September 6, 1861 — From the Parish of St. Mary

New Orleans Daily Crescent, New Orleans, LA

In the Mary’s Banner of Saturday last we find the following paragraphs:

This parish has now sent to the war not less than three hundred volunteers. The…

September 5, 1861 — Loyalty of the Employees of the Executive Mansion

The New York Herald, New York, NY

The recent Intimations that some of the employes at the White House are secessionists are entirely unjust. Mr. Stackpole and all the other men there…

September 4, 1861 — Balloon Adventures

Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, IL

Prof. Lowe made another ascension yesterday afternoon from Balls Cross Roads. He saw plenty of soldiers at work on the fortifications which the rebels are building along the ridge known as Munson’s…

September 3, 1861 — Steamboat Captured

Western Democrat, Charlotte, NC

We copy the following from the Memphis Appeal, of the 18th:

On Thursday morning the 14th inst., while the stern-wheel steamer “Equality,” which is owned by the Lincoln Government…

Six Sailormen Rescued After Four Days Adrift (1924)

The Evening Star, Washington, DC, September 1, 1924

Survivors of Wrecked Schooner Lived Off Flying Fish — Three Others Lost.

September 1, 1861 — Lincoln, the Woman-Tyrant

Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN

The world has never produced a man who is destined to receive the execrations of mankind and to merit the lash of the satirist, in a larger measure than ABRAHAM LINCOLN, first the…

August 31, 1861 — Capt. Shurtliff

Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, IL

Capt. Shurtliff of the 7th Ohio, killed at the battle of Cross Lanes, was a highly respected citizen of DeKalb county in this State, where his relatives now reside. He was called to a professorship at Oberlin…