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Maritime History

Reporting History
Reporting History
A daily news article from historical newspapers. A quick read of what was topical “back in the day.”
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September 18, 1861 — Outdated Information

Raftsman’s Journal, Clearfield, PA

Sept. 14. — Four vessels had run into the Hatteras Inlet with English colors, under the supposition that that place still belonged to the rebels, the United States flag having been temporarily…

Six Sailormen Rescued After Four Days Adrift (1924)

The Evening Star, Washington, DC, September 1, 1924

Survivors of Wrecked Schooner Lived Off Flying Fish — Three Others Lost.

August 4, 1861 — Four Prizes Captured!

Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN

Norfolk, July 31. — The privateer Gordon, of Charleston, on Sunday last captured and carried into Hatteras Inlet, the brig McGilley, of Bangor, Maine, with a cargo of Molasses. Also, the…

July 27, 1861 — A Sable Hero

Sunbury American, Sunbury, PA

The privateer “Jeff Davis,” having captured a schooner hailing from Brooklyn, New York, put her in charge of a prize crew of five men. During the voyage the cook, a colored man, rescued the schooner from her captors by his…

April 16, 1861 — A Richmond Vessel Hoists the Confederate Flag

The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, VA

In East Baltimore, on Sunday, great excitement was occasioned in consequence of the hoisting on the mizzen-top mast of the bark Fannie Crenshaw, lying at Chase’s…