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Reporting History
Reporting History
A daily news article from historical newspapers. A quick read of what was topical “back in the day.”
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September 3, 1861 — Steamboat Captured

Western Democrat, Charlotte, NC

We copy the following from the Memphis Appeal, of the 18th:

On Thursday morning the 14th inst., while the stern-wheel steamer “Equality,” which is owned by the Lincoln Government…

August 18, 1861 — Flour for the Army

Memphis Daily Appeal, Memphis, TN

We desire to call the attention of planters to the importance of an early subscription of flour and corn meal for the use of our army. The Confederate government purchased in May last an immense quantity…

May 12, 1861 — Substance and Shadow

Daily Nashville Patriot, Nashville, TN

The people of Tennessee are called upon to decide on the 8th of June next, whether they will continue to live freemen or bow their necks to the yoke of bondage to choose, in other words, between liberty…

March 31, 1861 — The Feeling in the South

Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN

We have been kindly permitted to make the following extracts from a private letter written by a prominent citizen of this city, which gives a fair and truthful view of the present feeling…