Irelands Oppression

A Free Verse Poem

James G Brennan
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2020


Photo by Tyler Donaghy Unsplash

It went on, and on.
And on, and on.
And still, it goes on.
Not satisfied with the killing
Over hundreds of years,
The genocides,
The taking of lands,
Filling Ireland’s fertile land
With slain blood of its people, delivered
By their bloodthirsty occupiers.

Their occupation still goes on.
The only occupied territory
In Europe no less.

A complete indifference
And apathy coupled with blame
Towards the people
Who live there today.

What may become of the anger
Felt towards their belligerent occupiers
Or regency without care?

A flame up into violent backlash?
Which of course will find more blame,
To which the British government,
With their filthy mouths,
Pour out vicious lies,
Washing their glutenous blood-stained hands
In the blood of the new innocents.

Using religion for political gains,
Pitting two sides against each other
On a three-sided coin
Of which government and crown
Sits in the middle inciting more hatred, more war.

Pawns spilling more blood
In colonial British political games.

For games they are,
Games of the rich and powerful,
Played out over and over,
A stone in the lopsided crown
Of Westminster’s banal oppression.

History repeating,
Repetition of a deluded Empire refusing,
Nay, incapable of moving on.
This former Empire which carries on looking down its
Nose of spite on a people it deems
Not worthy of respect.

Just only recently The not so pretty Patel
Digging up threats
To choke Ireland’s food supply
As a warning to Europe to get her way
For her devious government’s position,
Threatening once again to repeat history’s
Shameful past, conveniently forgetting her own
Bloodline, in India’s colonial turmoil.

While all this time,
It is they who had not developed,
Hanging on to their broken Empire,
Extending, now, their arms of delusion and hate,
Unable to move on, in their lopsided world.

Politicians bleating sovereignty from Europe,
A poor excuse to leave a state where they
Make sure they have their influence and say,
At the same time avoiding self-analysis
For piling the hypocrisy upon the island of Ireland,
It’s people, their policies and culture.

Thank you for reading. J.

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James G Brennan
Resistance Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.