We rage

Inspired by Chalkboard’s one line prompt

Kathy Jacobs
Resistance Poetry
1 min readNov 17, 2017


Our country’s rage tears us apart
Rage over what we believe
Rage over where we are going
Rage over what’s important
Rage over who has rights
Rage over what’s been done

The rage supports us
Keeps us fighting the good fight
Slowly replacing hope with tears
As we realize that some don’t
Understand what they say

We realize too many people think
That men in power have a right
Do what they want
Believe women ask for it
By wearing certain clothes
That if a man says nothing happened
Then nothing did

But inside ourselves we know the truth
We know the meaning of #MeToo
We know that for too long
The playing field has not been level
That too many women give away
Their rage because “men don’t listen”

Inside each one of us there burns
A quiet raging voice
That tries to show what we know
That right is right
Wrong is wrong
Beliefs aside, you know

We rage because too many times
The victim’s paid the bill
They’ve carried
The pain
The shame

Now it is time for the abusers
To know
That pain
That shame
That rage

Time for them to pay
The piper’s bill



Kathy Jacobs
Resistance Poetry

💚POMpoet💚 Former software tester, still breaking things. Social Media geek. Former OneNote MVP. Phoenix Mercury fan. Green Bay Packer fan.