Go to Rethinking Humanity
Rethinking Humanity
This information is a gift from our brothers and sisters on the Planet of Beauty and Harmony. Getting an outside perspective on Earth and mankind’s struggles, gives us both deep insight and a clear message: There is hope for humanity.
Note from the editor

From planet to planet and from consciousness to consciousness, a small group of us have received a gift of unconditional love and wisdom from our brothers and sisters on the Planet of Beauty and Harmony. The time has come to share this gift with mankind. The materials presented here are transcripts of the guidance that we have received over a number of years. Whilst the transcripts have been slightly edited to enhance readability, the contents are as close to the original recordings as possible. A few of the articles provide information about the Planet of Beauty and Harmony itself, however most of the materials seek to provide helping guidance for mankind. During our sessions with them, our friends will typically respond to thoughts and questions within our group which can cover quite a few different areas. To allow for easier reading and processing, the transcripts are arranged by topics, rather than sequential. Please let your intuition guide you in selecting an article and let your heart process and validate the information provided. If it resonates with you, please live this gift and share it.

Go to the profile of Johannes Steiner
Johannes Steiner
Seeker, scribe.