10 ways of providing effective customer service interaction in 2020

Ashvini Nikhade
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2020

You may have a wonderful company, but if your customer service is unhelpful, inaccurate, or just hard to get in touch with, people will learn about it, and you’ll lose clients over it. That’s one important reason why spending on customer service is the answer to long-term business success.

But what does it mean to give great customer service, and how can you guarantee that every customer has an excellent experience with your business when they reach out for help? We’ve named several ways to set your customer service at the top of the competition in your industry.

Customer service interaction at a workplace

10 ways of providing effective customer service

1- Exercise Active Listening

Behind every call, there is a real person who has a problem or concern that needs to be acknowledged. The person needs to feel understood, listened, and served. Active listening is a fundamental skill set you can generate by practicing every day on your co-workers and family. First, you should resemble each communication with the goal to receive something and concentrate on the speaker. After the client is finished speaking, ask defining questions to make sure you understand what they’re actually saying. Lastly, finish the communication with a quick summary to assure everyone is on the same side.

2- Omnichannel support

Omnichannel service is a unique development in new trends in customer service. Gone are those days of communicating the company in two ways: phone or fax. The most advanced customer service trends enable your customers to choose the best way to connect with the support agent — phone, email, live chat, SMS, and social media, etc. This is where RheoBot can help. It is an Omnichannel platform that has everything integrated into it.

A customer using Rheo live chat

3- Support automation with AI chatbots

One of the most foreseen customer service trends is the growing usage of bots to handle customer support at the system without a human touch. The development and continuous growth of customer care bots or chatbots allow companies like Rheobot to provide a gateway for round the clock assistance via automated replies that immediately assist the customer to figure out the technical error.

4- Seek customer feedback

To give excellent customer service, you first want to understand their needs, skills, and pain points. For these, you need to ensure that you present your customers with many ways to share their feedback. You can do this through telephone polls or a feedback questionnaire sent via email. Other than surveys, you can also set a complaint system, which will better allow your customers to put their issues.

5- Empower your customer service team

Upgrading your customer service starts with building a strong customer service team. Here’s how you can extend your service performance. A customer service rep has to deal with various types of customers: Some may be irritating or confused, while others may have a lot of issues. A customer support representative needs to deal with all of them firmly and professionally. For this, you need to hire representatives that are soft-spoken and calm to handle the query.

6- Implement live chat

Live Chat serves to increase sales with studies hinting that having Live Chat on your site can drive 3–5 times more progress. The instant messaging software like Rheobot allows consumers to get an answer immediately rather than wait for 24 hours or more for someone to reply to an email. Prompter response help to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. It’s very useful and less costly than phone support as customer service agents can have multiple chats going concurrently.

Live chat by Rheo

7- Leverage social media

Customer service through social media is expanding in popularity. When consumers can’t connect to you via telephone or Live Chat, they will usually turn to social media. And you need to be active because 42% of people who get in touch with businesses through social media presume a response within 60 minutes!

Social media networks

Social media can be a spot for customers to release their anger and have a cry. However, it can also be an assertive medium where brand advocates can write your praises when you do something great or go above and beyond. So, use social media wisely and be active to stay connected.

8- Respond quickly

66% of people think that evaluating their time is the most essential thing in any online customer experience. Solving customer queries as soon as possible is a foundation of good customer service. Speed should be of the spirit — particularly for smaller issues that don’t take much time to resolve. Get back to your clients as quickly as feasible, but don’t be in a hurry to get them off the telephone or close the ticket without solving the issue completely.

9- Generate referrals through an incentive

Consumers love incentives — so the ideal way to gain referrals is to have your consumers refer your business to their friends and family and in return give them an incentive.

10- Maintain a positive outlook

Perspective is everything, and a positive attitude goes a long way in giving excellent customer service. It’s easy to misunderstand the tone of written messages, and email or live chat can come across as bitter. The brain uses many signals to understand someone else’s emotional tone, including body style and facial expression, many of which are missing online.

Don’t be hesitant to use emojis to send warmth and good humor, or pick up the telephone if you find an email or chat communication getting tense.

Final Thoughts

To expand your eCommerce business, you want to retain popular customers and bring new ones by consistently giving excellent customer experience. The goal as a business is to have customer service that is not just reliable, but also worth remembering.

In customer service, you will be needing the platform that will provide you all things in one place. Rheobot is the one such place you can go to. It has live chat software, AI integration and can keep you connected with social media.

We hope that this post has provided you some ideas that you can execute in your business to improve your eCommerce customer service.

Relatable article:-https://medium.com/rheo/7-customer-service-tools-for-small-business-in-2020-that-will-drive-success-25f09a93d6a5

