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There is a Japanese word, “Komorebi” (木漏れ日) which is “the light that passes between forest trees”. These are some of the views I see from my personal window out to the forest. These do not reflect my former or current institutions.
Note from the editor

There is a Japanese word, “Komorebi” (木漏れ日) which is “the light that passes between forest trees”. These are some of the views I see from my personal window out to the forest. They are more personal than my essay reports, for some topics. These do not reflect my former or current institutions. My academic portfolio blog is at: https://sites.google.com/view/rheumarhyme/home

Go to the profile of LiSa T
LiSa T
Rheum. Grad Student. These entries are personal and do not reflect my former nor currently affiliated institutions' opinion.