Update: February 2023

Mick Hagen
Ripe Finance
2 min readMar 7, 2023


Hello Juicer Nation! As you know, our team is now fully focused on Ripe Finance. As a refresher, Ripe is a new DeFi protocol that lets you earn yield on everything. You’ll be able to earn yield on your digitally-native assets (crypto, NFTs, liquidity positions). And also your real-world assets — like your house, your car, your watch, your sneakers, your paycheck, your private stock, your livestock.

You’ll also be able to borrow against those assets. Here’s a video we recently released of me going deep on Ripe’s mechanism design (you can also get a lot more detail on our Medium posts).

Since our last update, we’ve made significant progress. Below are some of the highlights.

Pubic Beta #1 (private testnet)

Because most of the technology is already built, our primary goal for the last month was to go into our first “public beta” — the Ripe web app & smart contracts on a private testnet.

  • 700+ beta testers in 2 weeks, who tested the Ripe web app and provided valuable feedback.
  • 200+ user suggestions captured and ticketed — tons of learning and iteration already underway!
  • 100+ people attended the beta kick-off / launch call, with strong community engagement.
  • Here’s a taste of some of the positive feedback we are receiving from early users.

Community Growth

Our Discord community has grown to almost 1500 members (Our Twitter has almost 1k followers). Since our last update, we’ve also started doing weekly community calls, Banana Calls. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Banana Call #2 (40 ppl) — Live iPad whiteboard walk-thru of Ripe’s mechanism design (with yours truly)
  • Banana Call #3 (100 ppl) — Live demo of Ripe’s web app and the kick-off for private testnet beta
  • Banana Call #5 (150 ppl) — Discussion with DAO Governance guru & scholar, Commodore from Krause House. We’ve started a learning journey on DAO governance.
  • Banana Call #6 (120 ppl) — Sharing draft of Ripe’s mission, vision & values. Important, foundational work for any DAO… the anchor point, the first principles by which all governance will be guided.

Our next big milestone will be launching Ripe on a Public Testnet (Goerli) in the next few weeks — our final stop before launching to Mainnet.

Looking forward to sharing more with you next month. In the meantime, feel free to follow our Twitter, join our Discord, and try our app.

More soon!

~ Mick aka Dre Ham



Mick Hagen
Ripe Finance

CEO/Founder of Hightop — a digital bank powered by web3